This PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information about the treatment of childhood acute myeloid leukemia and other myeloid malignancies. It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer patients. It does not provide formal guidelines or recommendations for making health care decisions.
This summary is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary by the PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board, which is editorially independent of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The summary reflects an independent review of the literature and does not represent a policy statement of NCI or the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
General Information About Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Dramatic improvements in survival have been achieved for children and adolescents with cancer.[
] Between 1975 and 2010, childhood cancer mortality decreased by more than 50%. For acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the 5-year survival rate increased over the same time from less than 20% to 68% for children younger than 15 years and from less than 20% to 57% for adolescents aged 15 to 19 years.[
Characteristics of Myeloid Leukemias and Other Myeloid Malignancies in Children
Approximately 20% of childhood leukemias are of myeloid origin and they represent a spectrum of hematopoietic malignancies.[
] The majority of myeloid leukemias are acute, and the remainder include chronic and/or subacute myeloproliferative disorders such as chronic myelogenous leukemia and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Myelodysplastic syndromes occur much less frequently in children than in adults and almost invariably represent clonal, preleukemic conditions that may evolve from congenital marrow failure syndromes such as Fanconi anemia and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.
The general characteristics of myeloid leukemias and other myeloid malignancies are described below:
Conditions Associated With Myeloid Malignancies
Genetic abnormalities (cancer predisposition syndromes) are associated with the development of AML. There is a high concordance rate of AML in identical twins; however, this is not believed to be related to genetic risk, but rather to shared circulation and the inability of one twin to reject leukemic cells from the other twin during fetal development.[
] There is an estimated twofold to fourfold increased risk of developing leukemia for the fraternal twin of a pediatric leukemia patient up to about age 6 years, after which the risk is not significantly greater than that of the general population.[
The development of AML has also been associated with a variety of inherited, acquired, and familial syndromes that result from chromosomal imbalances or instabilities, defects in DNA repair, altered cytokine receptor or signal transduction pathway activation, and altered protein synthesis.[
Nonsyndromic genetic susceptibility to AML is also being studied. For example, homozygosity for a specific IKZF1 polymorphism has been associated with an increased risk of infant AML.[
Smith MA, Altekruse SF, Adamson PC, et al.: Declining childhood and adolescent cancer mortality. Cancer 120 (16): 2497-506, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Smith MA, Ries LA, Gurney JG, et al.: Leukemia. In: Ries LA, Smith MA, Gurney JG, et al., eds.: Cancer incidence and survival among children and adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, SEER Program, 1999. NIH Pub.No. 99-4649, pp 17-34. Also available online. Last accessed March 16, 2020.[PUBMED Abstract]
Roberts I, Alford K, Hall G, et al.: GATA1-mutant clones are frequent and often unsuspected in babies with Down syndrome: identification of a population at risk of leukemia. Blood 122 (24): 3908-17, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zipursky A: Transient leukaemia--a benign form of leukaemia in newborn infants with trisomy 21. Br J Haematol 120 (6): 930-8, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS, Smith FO: Transient myeloproliferative disorder in children with Down syndrome: clarity to this enigmatic disorder. Br J Haematol 159 (3): 277-87, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hitzler JK, Cheung J, Li Y, et al.: GATA1 mutations in transient leukemia and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome. Blood 101 (11): 4301-4, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mundschau G, Gurbuxani S, Gamis AS, et al.: Mutagenesis of GATA1 is an initiating event in Down syndrome leukemogenesis. Blood 101 (11): 4298-300, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Massey GV, Zipursky A, Chang MN, et al.: A prospective study of the natural history of transient leukemia (TL) in neonates with Down syndrome (DS): Children's Oncology Group (COG) study POG-9481. Blood 107 (12): 4606-13, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Homans AC, Verissimo AM, Vlacha V: Transient abnormal myelopoiesis of infancy associated with trisomy 21. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 15 (4): 392-9, 1993.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Natural history of transient myeloproliferative disorder clinically diagnosed in Down syndrome neonates: a report from the Children's Oncology Group Study A2971. Blood 118 (26): 6752-9; quiz 6996, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hasle H, Niemeyer CM: Advances in the prognostication and management of advanced MDS in children. Br J Haematol 154 (2): 185-95, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Niemeyer CM, Arico M, Basso G, et al.: Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in childhood: a retrospective analysis of 110 cases. European Working Group on Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Childhood (EWOG-MDS) Blood 89 (10): 3534-43, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Loh ML: Recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol 152 (6): 677-87, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stieglitz E, Taylor-Weiner AN, Chang TY, et al.: The genomic landscape of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Nat Genet 47 (11): 1326-33, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zuelzer WW, Cox DE: Genetic aspects of leukemia. Semin Hematol 6 (3): 228-49, 1969.[PUBMED Abstract]
Miller RW: Persons with exceptionally high risk of leukemia. Cancer Res 27 (12): 2420-3, 1967.[PUBMED Abstract]
Inskip PD, Harvey EB, Boice JD, et al.: Incidence of childhood cancer in twins. Cancer Causes Control 2 (5): 315-24, 1991.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kurita S, Kamei Y, Ota K: Genetic studies on familial leukemia. Cancer 34 (4): 1098-101, 1974.[PUBMED Abstract]
Puumala SE, Ross JA, Aplenc R, et al.: Epidemiology of childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 60 (5): 728-33, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
West AH, Godley LA, Churpek JE: Familial myelodysplastic syndrome/acute leukemia syndromes: a review and utility for translational investigations. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1310: 111-8, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Tawana K, Wang J, Renneville A, et al.: Disease evolution and outcomes in familial AML with germline CEBPA mutations. Blood 126 (10): 1214-23, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ross JA, Linabery AM, Blommer CN, et al.: Genetic variants modify susceptibility to leukemia in infants: a Children's Oncology Group report. Pediatr Blood Cancer 60 (1): 31-4, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Classification of Pediatric Myeloid Malignancies
French-American-British (FAB) Classification System for Childhood AML
The first comprehensive morphologic-histochemical classification system for
acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was developed by the FAB
Cooperative Group.[
] This classification system, which has been replaced by the World Health Organization (WHO) system described below, categorized AML into major subtypes primarily on the basis of morphology and immunohistochemical detection of lineage markers.
The major subtypes of AML include the following:
Other extremely rare subtypes of AML include acute eosinophilic leukemia and
acute basophilic leukemia.
The FAB classification was superseded by the WHO classification described below but remains relevant as it forms the basis of the WHO's subcategory of AML, not otherwise specified (AML, NOS).
World Health Organization (WHO) Classification System for Childhood AML
In 2001, the WHO proposed a new classification system that incorporated diagnostic cytogenetic information and that more reliably correlated with outcome. In this classification, patients with t(8;21), inv(16), t(15;17), or KMT2A (MLL) translocations, which collectively constituted nearly half of the cases of childhood AML, were classified as AML with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities. This classification system also decreased the bone marrow percentage of leukemic blast requirement for the diagnosis of AML from 30% to 20%; an additional clarification was made so that patients with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities did not need to meet the minimum blast requirement to be considered an AML patient.[
In 2008, the WHO expanded the number of cytogenetic abnormalities linked to AML classification and, for the first time, included specific gene mutations (CEBPA and NPM) in its classification system.[
] In 2016, the WHO classification underwent revisions to incorporate the expanding knowledge of leukemia biomarkers that are significantly important to the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of leukemia.[
] With emerging technologies aimed at genetic, epigenetic, proteomic, and immunophenotypic classification, AML classification will certainly continue to evolve and provide informative prognostic and biologic guidelines to clinicians and researchers.
2016 WHO classification of AML and related neoplasms
2016 WHO classification of acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage
For the group of acute leukemias that have characteristics of both AML and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage, the WHO classification system is summarized in Table 1.[
] The criteria for lineage assignment for a diagnosis of mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) are provided in Table 2.[
Table 1. Acute Leukemias of Ambiguous Lineage According to the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissuesa
Acute leukemia that does not express any marker considered specific for either lymphoid or myeloid lineage
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); BCR-ABL1
Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for mixed phenotype acute leukemia in which the blasts also have the (9;22) translocation or the BCR-ABL1 rearrangement
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia with t(v;11q23); KMT2A (MLL) rearranged
Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for mixed phenotype acute leukemia in which the blasts also have a translocation involving the KMT2A gene
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia, B/myeloid, NOS
Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both B and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involving BCR-ABL1 or KMT2A
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia, T/myeloid, NOS
Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both T and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involving BCR-ABL1 or KMT2A
Table 2. Lineage Assignment Criteria for Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia According to the 2016 Revision to the World Health Organization Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms and Acute Leukemiaa
bStrong defined as equal to or brighter than the normal B or T cells in the sample.
Myeloid Lineage
Myeloperoxidase (flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, or cytochemistry); or monocytic differentiation (at least two of the following: nonspecific esterase cytochemistry, CD11c, CD14, CD64, lysozyme)
T Lineage
Strongb cytoplasmic CD3 (with antibodies to CD3 epsilon chain); or surface CD3
B Lineage
Strongb CD19 with at least one of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10; or weak CD19 with at least two of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10
Leukemias of mixed phenotype may be seen in various presentations, including the following:
Bilineal leukemias in which there are two distinct populations of cells, usually one lymphoid and one myeloid.
Biphenotypic leukemias in which individual blast cells display features of both lymphoid and myeloid lineage.
Biphenotypic cases represent the majority of mixed phenotype leukemias.[
B-myeloid biphenotypic leukemias lacking the TEL-AML1 fusion have a lower rate of complete remission (CR) and a significantly worse event-free survival (EFS) compared with patients with precursor B-cell ALL.[
] Some studies suggest that patients with biphenotypic leukemia may fare better with a lymphoid, as opposed to a myeloid, treatment regimen.[
]; [
][Level of evidence: 3iiiA] A large retrospective study from the international Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM) group demonstrated that initial therapy with an ALL-type regimen was associated with a superior outcome compared with AML-type or combined ALL/AML regimens, particularly in cases with CD19 positivity or other lymphoid antigen expression. In this study, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in first CR was not beneficial, with the possible exception of cases with morphologic evidence of persistent marrow disease (≥5% blasts) after the first month of treatment.[
WHO Classification of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Findings for Myelodysplastic Syndromes
The FAB classification of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) was not completely applicable to children.[
] Traditionally, MDS classification systems have been divided into several distinct categories based on the presence of the following:[
A modified classification schema for MDS and myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) was published by the WHO in 2008 and included subsections that focused on pediatric MDS and MPD.[
] This pediatric approach to the WHO classification of myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative diseases was initially proposed in 2003.[
] The 2016 revision to the WHO classification has removed focus on the specific lineage (anemia, thrombocytopenia, or neutropenia) and now distinguishes cases with dysplasia in single versus multiple lineages. The category of MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB) now encompasses the pediatric cases previously classified as refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) or RAEB in transformation (RAEB-T).[
] The category of refractory cytopenia of childhood is retained as a provisional entity. The bone marrow and peripheral blood findings for MDS according to the 2008 WHO classification schema are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.[
] When MDS-EB is associated with the recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities that are usually associated with AML, a diagnosis of AML is made and patients are treated accordingly.
Distinguishing MDS from similar-appearing, reactive causes of dysplasia and/or cytopenias is noted to be difficult. In general, the finding of more than 10% dysplasia in a cell lineage is a diagnostic criteria for MDS, however, the WHO 2016 guidelines caution that reactive etiologies, rather than clonal, may have more than 10% dysplasia and should be excluded especially when dysplasia is subtle and/or restricted to a single lineage.[
The International Prognostic Scoring System is used to determine the risk of progression to AML and the outcome in adult patients with MDS. When this system was applied to children with MDS or juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML), only a blast count of less than 5% and a platelet count of more than 100 × 109/L were associated with a better survival in MDS, and a platelet count of more than 40 × 109/L predicted a better outcome in JMML.[
] These results suggest that MDS and JMML in children may be significantly different disorders than adult-type MDS.
Pediatric MDS can be grouped into several general categories, each with distinctive clinical and biological characteristics, as follows:[
Genomic characterization of pediatric primary MDS has identified specific subsets defined by alterations in selected genes (refer to the Molecular Abnormalities subsection of this summary for more information about MDS). For example, germline mutations in either GATA2 [
] or SAMD9/SAMD9L [
] are especially common in children with deletions of all or part of chromosome 7. Genomic characterization has also shown that primary MDS in children differs from adult MDS at the molecular level.[
Table 3. World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Findings for Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)a
bNote that cases with pancytopenia would be classified as MDS-U.
cWhen the marrow has <5% myeloblasts, but the peripheral blood has 2%–4% myeloblasts, the diagnosis is MDS-EB-1.
dThe diagnosis of MDS-EB-2 should be made if any one of the following criteria are met: marrow with 10%–19% blasts, peripheral blood with 5%–19% blasts, or presence of Auer rods.
eRecurring chromosomal abnormalities in MDS: Unbalanced: +8, -7 or del(7q), -5 or del(5q), del(20q), -Y, i(17q) or t(17p), -13 or del(13q), del(11q), del(12p) or t(12p), del(9q), idic(X)(q13); Balanced: t(11;16)(q23;p13.3), t(3;21)(q26.2;q22.1), t(1;3)(p36.3;q21.2), t(2;11)(p21;q23), inv(3)(q21q26.2), t(6;9)(p23;q34). The WHO classification notes that the presence of these chromosomal abnormalities in presence of persistent cytopenias of undetermined origin should be considered to support a presumptive diagnosis of MDS when morphological characteristics are not observed.
fThe diagnostic criteria for childhood MDS (refractory cytopenia of childhood [RCC]-provisional entry) include: 1) persistent cytopenia of 1–3 cell lines with <5% bone marrow blasts, <2% peripheral blood blasts, and no ringed sideroblasts and 2) dysplastic changes in 1–3 lineages should be present.
MDS with single lineage dysplasia
Unilineage dysplasia:
≥10% in one myeloid lineage
1–2 cytopeniasb
<5% blasts
Blasts <1%c
<15% ring sideroblasts
MDS with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS)
Erythroid dysplasia only
<5% blasts
No blasts
≥15% ring sideroblasts
MDS with multilineage dysplasia
Dysplasia in ≥10% of cells in ≥2 myeloid lineages
1–3 cytopenias
<5% blasts
Blasts (none or <1%)c
±15% ring sideroblasts
No Auer rods
No Auer rods
<1×109 monocytes/L
MDS with excess blasts-1 (MDS-EB-1)
Single lineage or multilineage dysplasia
5%–9% blastsc
<5% blastsc
No Auer rods
No Auer rods
<1×109 monocytes/L
MDS with excess blasts-2 (MDS-EB-2)
Single lineage or multilineage dysplasia
10%–19% blastsd
5%–19% blastsd
Auer rods ±d
Auer rods ±d
<1×109 monocytes/L
MDS with isolated del(5q)
Normal to increased megakaryocytes (hypolobulated nuclei)
<5% blasts
Blasts (none or <1%)
No Auer rods
Normal to increased platelet count
Isolated del(5q)
MDS-unclassifiable (MDS-U)
Dysplasia in <10% of cells in ≥1 myeloid cell lineage
Cytogenetic abnormality associated with diagnosis of MDSe
≤1% blastsc
<5% blasts
Provisional entity: Refractory cytopenia of childhood (RCC)f
bBone marrow trephine/biopsy may be required as bone marrow in childhood RCC is often hypocellular.
cCharacteristics include abnormal nuclear lobulation, multinuclear cells, presence of nuclear bridges.
dPresence of pseudo–Pelger-Huet cells, hypo- or agranular cytoplasm, giant band forms.
eMegakaryocytes have variable size and often round or separated nuclei; the absence of megakaryocytes does not exclude the diagnosis of RCC.
Bone Marrow Aspirateb
Dysplasia and/or megablastoid changes in ≥10% of erythroid precursorsc
Dysplasia in ≥10% of granulocytic precursors and neutrophils
Micromegakaryocytes plus other dysplastic featurese
<5% blastsd
Bone Marrow Biopsy
Presence of erythroid precursors
No additional criteria
Micromegakaryocytes plus other dysplastic featurese
Increased proerythroblasts
Immunohistochemistry positive for CD61 and CD41
Increased number of mitoses
Peripheral Blood
Dysplasia in ≥10% of neutrophils
<2% blasts
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Histochemical, Immunophenotypic, and Molecular Evaluation for Childhood AML
Histochemical Evaluation
The treatment for children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) differs significantly from that for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
As a consequence, it is critical to distinguish AML from ALL. Special
histochemical stains performed on bone marrow specimens of
children with acute leukemia can be helpful to confirm their diagnosis. The stains most
commonly used include myeloperoxidase, periodic acid-Schiff, Sudan Black B, and esterase. In
most cases, the staining pattern with these histochemical stains will
distinguish AML from acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) and ALL (refer to Table 5). Histochemical stains have been mostly replaced by flow cytometric immunophenotyping.
The use of monoclonal antibodies to determine cell-surface antigens of AML
cells is helpful to reinforce the histologic diagnosis. Various
lineage-specific monoclonal antibodies that detect antigens on AML cells
should be used at the time of initial diagnostic workup, along with a battery of lineage-specific
T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte markers to help distinguish AML from ALL and acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage. The expression of various cluster determinant (CD) proteins that
are relatively lineage-specific for AML include CD33,
CD13, CD14, CDw41 (or platelet antiglycoprotein IIb/IIIa), CD15, CD11B, CD36,
and antiglycophorin A. Lineage-associated B-lymphocytic antigens CD10, CD19,
CD20, CD22, and CD24 may be present in 10% to 20% of AML cases, but monoclonal
surface immunoglobulin and cytoplasmic immunoglobulin heavy chains are usually
absent; similarly, CD2, CD3, CD5, and CD7 lineage-associated T-lymphocytic
antigens are present in 20% to 40% of AML cases.[
] The aberrant expression of lymphoid-associated antigens by AML cells is relatively common but generally has no prognostic
Immunophenotyping can also be helpful in distinguishing the following French-American-British (FAB) classification subtypes of
Less than 5% of cases of acute leukemia in children are of ambiguous lineage, expressing features of both myeloid and lymphoid lineage.[
] These cases are distinct from ALL with myeloid coexpression in that the predominant lineage cannot be determined by immunophenotypic and histochemical studies. The definition of leukemia of ambiguous lineage varies among studies, although most investigators now use criteria established by the European Group for the Immunological Characterization of Leukemias (EGIL) or the more stringent World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.[
] In the WHO classification, the presence of myeloperoxidase (MPO) is required to establish myeloid lineage. This is not the case for the EGIL classification. The 2016 revision to the WHO classification also denotes that in some cases, leukemia with otherwise classic B-cell ALL immunophenotype may also express low-intensity MPO without other myeloid features, and the clinical significance of that finding is unclear such that one should be cautious before designating these cases as mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL).[
Molecular Evaluation
Molecular features of acute myeloid leukemia
Comprehensive molecular profiling of pediatric and adult AML has shown that AML is a disease
demonstrating both commonalities and differences across the age spectrum.[
Genetic analysis of leukemia blast cells (using both conventional cytogenetic methods and molecular methods) is performed on children with AML because both chromosomal and molecular abnormalities are
important diagnostic and prognostic markers.[
] Clonal chromosomal
abnormalities are identified in the blasts of about 75% of children with
AML and are useful in defining subtypes with both prognostic and therapeutic significance.
Detection of molecular abnormalities can also aid in risk stratification and treatment allocation. For example, mutations of NPM and CEBPA are associated with favorable outcomes while certain mutations of FLT3 portend a high risk of relapse, and identifying the latter mutations may allow for targeted therapy.[
The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia emphasizes that recurrent chromosomal translocations in pediatric AML may be unique or have a different prevalence than in adult AML.[
] The pediatric AML chromosomal translocations that are found by conventional chromosome analysis and those that are cryptic (identified only with fluorescence in situ hybridization or molecular techniques) occur at higher rates than in adults. These recurrent translocations are summarized in Table 6.[
] Table 6 also shows, in the bottom three rows, additional relatively common recurrent translocations observed in children with AML.[
Table 6. Common Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Chromosomal Translocations
Gene Fusion Product
Chromosomal Translocation
Prevalence in Pediatric AML (%)
aCryptic chromosomal translocation.
KMT2A (MLL) translocated
inv(16)(p13.1;q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22)
The genomic landscape of pediatric AML cases can change from diagnosis to relapse, with mutations detectable at diagnosis dropping out at relapse and, conversely, with new mutations appearing at relapse. In a study of 20 cases for which sequencing data were available at diagnosis and relapse, a key finding was that the variant allele frequency at diagnosis strongly correlated with persistence of mutations at relapse.[
] Approximately 90% of the diagnostic variants with variant allele frequency greater than 0.4 persisted to relapse, compared with only 28% with variant allele frequency less than 0.2 (P < .001). This observation is consistent with previous results showing that presence of the FLT3-ITD mutation predicted for poor prognosis only when there was a high FLT3-ITD allelic ratio.
Specific recurring cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities are briefly described below. The abnormalities are listed by those in clinical use that identify patients with favorable or unfavorable prognosis, followed by other abnormalities. The nomenclature of the 2016 revision to the WHO classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia is incorporated for disease entities where relevant.
Molecular abnormalities associated with a favorable prognosis
Molecular abnormalities associated with a favorable prognosis include the following:
Molecular abnormalities associated with an unfavorable prognosis
Molecular abnormalities associated with an unfavorable prognosis include the following:
Other molecular abnormalities observed in pediatric AML
Other molecular abnormalities observed in pediatric AML include the following:
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Treatment Option Overview for Childhood AML
Leukemia is considered to be disseminated in the hematopoietic
system at diagnosis, even in children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who
present with isolated chloromas (also called granulocytic or myeloid sarcomas). If these
children do not receive systemic chemotherapy, they invariably develop AML in
months or years. AML may invade nonhematopoietic (extramedullary) tissue such as meninges,
brain parenchyma, testes or ovaries, or skin (leukemia cutis). Extramedullary
leukemia is more common in infants than in older children with AML.[
Childhood AML is diagnosed when bone marrow has 20% or greater blasts. The
blasts have the morphologic and histochemical characteristics of one of the French-American-British (FAB)
subtypes of AML. It can also be diagnosed by biopsy of a chloroma. For
treatment purposes, patients with clonal cytogenetic abnormalities typically associated with AML, such as t(8;21)(RUNX1-RUNX1T1), inv(16)(CBFB-MYH11), t(9;11)(MLLT3-KMT2A) or t(15;17)(PML-RARA) and who have less than 20% bone marrow blasts, are considered to have AML rather than a myelodysplastic syndrome.[
Complete remission (CR) has traditionally been defined in the United States using morphologic criteria such as the following:
Alternative definitions of remission using morphology are used in AML because of the prolonged myelosuppression caused by intensive chemotherapy and include CR with incomplete platelet recovery and CR with incomplete marrow recovery (typically absolute neutrophil count). Whereas the use of incomplete platelet recovery provides a clinically meaningful response, the traditional CR definition remains the gold standard because patients in CR were found to be more likely to survive longer than those in incomplete platelet recovery.[
Achieving a hypoplastic bone marrow (using morphology)
is usually the first step in obtaining remission in AML with the
exception of the M3 subtype (acute promyelocytic leukemia [APL]); a hypoplastic marrow
phase is often not necessary before the achievement of remission in APL.
Additionally, early recovery marrows in any of the subtypes of AML may be
difficult to distinguish from persistent leukemia, although the application of flow cytometric immunophenotyping and cytogenetic/molecular testing have made this less problematic. Correlation with blood
cell counts and clinical status is
imperative in passing final judgment on the results of early bone marrow
findings in AML.[
] If the findings are in doubt, the bone marrow
aspirate should be repeated in 1 to 2 weeks.[
In addition to morphology, more precise methodology (e.g., multiparameter flow cytometry or quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR]) is used to assess response and has been shown to be of greater prognostic significance than morphology. (Refer to the Prognostic Factors in Childhood AML section of this summary for more information about these methodologies.)
Treatment Approach
The mainstay of the therapeutic
approach is systemically administered combination chemotherapy.[
] Approaches involving risk-group stratification and biologically targeted therapies are being tested to improve antileukemic treatment while sparing normal tissue.[
] Optimal
treatment of AML requires control of bone marrow and systemic disease.
Treatment of the CNS, usually with intrathecal medication,
is a component of most pediatric AML protocols but has not yet been shown to
contribute directly to an improvement in survival. CNS irradiation is not necessary in patients, either as prophylaxis or for those presenting with cerebrospinal fluid leukemia that clears with intrathecal and systemic chemotherapy.
Treatment is ordinarily divided into the following two phases:
therapy may consist of varying numbers of courses of intensive chemotherapy
and/or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). For example, ongoing trials of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) and the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) use similar chemotherapy regimens consisting of two courses of induction chemotherapy followed by two to three additional courses of intensification chemotherapy.[
Maintenance therapy is not part of most pediatric AML protocols because two randomized clinical trials failed to show a benefit for maintenance therapy when given after modern intensive chemotherapy.[
] The exception to this generalization is made for APL, because maintenance therapy was shown to improve event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) when all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) was combined with chemotherapy.[
] Some studies of adult APL patients, including studies incorporating arsenic trioxide treatment, have shown no benefit to maintenance.[
Attention to both acute and long-term complications is critical in children with AML. Modern AML treatment approaches are usually associated with severe, protracted myelosuppression with related complications. Children with AML should receive care under the direction of pediatric oncologists in cancer centers or hospitals with appropriate supportive care facilities (e.g., specialized blood products; pediatric intensive care; provision of emotional and developmental support). With improved supportive care, toxic death constitutes a smaller proportion of initial therapy failures than in the past.[
] The most recent COG trials reported an 11% to 13% incidence of remission failure because of resistant disease and only 2% to 3% resulted from toxic death during the two induction courses.[
Children treated for AML are living longer and require close monitoring for cancer therapy side effects that may persist or develop months or years after treatment. The high cumulative doses of anthracyclines require long-term monitoring of cardiac function. The use of some modalities have declined, including total-body irradiation with HSCT because of its increased risk of growth failure, gonadal and thyroid dysfunction, cataract formation, and second malignancies.[
] (Refer to the Survivorship and Adverse Late Sequelae section of this summary or to the PDQ summary on Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer for more information.)
Prognostic Factors in Childhood AML
Prognostic factors in childhood AML can be categorized as follows:
Host risk factors
Leukemia risk factors
Therapeutic response risk factors
Risk Classification Systems
Risk classification for treatment assignment has been used by several cooperative groups performing clinical trials in children with AML. In the COG, stratifying therapeutic choices on the basis of risk factors is a relatively recent approach for the non-APL, non–Down syndrome patient. Classification is most directly derived from the observations of the MRC AML 10 trial for EFS and OS [
] and further applied based on the ability of the pediatric patient to undergo reinduction and obtain a second complete remission and their subsequent OS after first relapse.[
The following COG trials have used a risk classification system to stratify treatment choices:
In COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593), the first COG trial to stratify therapy by risk group, patients were stratified into three risk groups on the basis of diagnostic cytogenetics and response after induction 1.[
In the subsequent COG trial COG-AAML1031 (NCT01371981), the risk groups were reduced to two on the basis of the finding that those in the intermediate category could be more specifically and prognostically defined by adding the use of MRD by multiparameter flow cytometry.[
In COG-AAML1031, the study stratification was further based on cytogenetics, molecular markers, and MRD at bone marrow recovery postinduction 1, with patients being divided into a low-risk or high-risk group as follows:
The low-risk group represents about 73% of patients, has a predicted OS of approximately 75%, and is defined by the following:
The high-risk group represents the remaining 27% of patients, has a predicted OS less than 35%, and is defined by the following:
Where risk factors contradict each other, the following evidence-based table is used (refer to Table 7).
Table 7. Risk Assignment in AAML1031a,b
Risk Assignment:
Low Risk
High Risk
Low-Risk Group 1
Low-Risk Group 2
High-Risk Group 1
High-Risk Group 2
High-Risk Group 3
aGroups are based on combinations of risk factors, which may be found in any individual patient.
bBold indicates the overriding risk factor in risk-group assignment.
cNPM1, CEBPA, t(8;21), inv(16).
dMonosomy 7, monosomy 5, del(5q).
FLT3-ITD allelic ratio
Good-risk molecular markersc
Poor-risk cytogenetic markersd
Minimal residual disease
The high-risk group of patients are guided to transplantation in first remission with the most appropriate available donor. Patients in the low-risk group are instructed to pursue transplantation if they relapse. Validation of this approach awaits analysis.[
Risk factors used for stratification vary by pediatric and adult cooperative clinical trial groups and the prognostic impact of a given risk factor may vary in their significance depending on the backbone of therapy used. Other pediatric cooperative groups use some or all of these same factors, generally choosing risk factors that have been reproducible across numerous trials and sometimes including additional risk factors previously used in their risk group stratification approach.
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Treatment of Childhood AML
The general principles of therapy for children and adolescents with acute
myeloid leukemia (AML) are discussed below, followed by a more specific
discussion of the treatment of children with Down syndrome and acute promyelocytic leukemia
Overall survival (OS) rates have improved over the past three decades for children with AML, with 5-year survival rates now in the 55% to 65% range.[
] Overall remission-induction rates are approximately 85% to 90%, and event-free survival (EFS) rates from the time of diagnosis are in the 45% to 55% range.[
] There is, however, a wide range in outcome for different biological subtypes of AML (refer to the Molecular Evaluation and Risk Classification Systems sections of this summary for more information); after taking specific biological factors of their leukemia into account, the predicted outcome for any individual patient may be much better or much worse than the overall outcome for the general population of children with AML.
Induction Therapy
Contemporary pediatric AML protocols result in 85% to 90% complete
remission (CR) rates.[
] Approximately 2% to 3% of patients die during the induction phase, most often caused by treatment-related complications.[
] To achieve a CR, inducing
profound bone marrow aplasia (with the exception of the M3 APL subtype) is
usually necessary with currently used combination-chemotherapy regimens. Because induction chemotherapy produces severe
myelosuppression, morbidity and mortality from infection or hemorrhage during
the induction period may be significant.
Treatment options for children with AML during the induction phase may include the following:
The two most effective and essential drugs used to induce remission in children with AML are cytarabine and an anthracycline. Commonly used
pediatric induction therapy regimens use cytarabine and an anthracycline in
combination with other agents such as etoposide and/or thioguanine.[
Evidence (induction chemotherapy regimen):
The United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) AML10 trial compared induction with cytarabine, daunorubicin, and etoposide (ADE) versus cytarabine and daunorubicin administered with thioguanine (DAT).[
The MRC AML15 trial demonstrated that induction with daunorubicin and cytarabine (DA) resulted in equivalent survival rates when compared with ADE induction.[
The anthracycline that has been most used in induction regimens for children
with AML is daunorubicin,[
] although idarubicin and the anthracenedione mitoxantrone have also been used.[
] Randomized trials have attempted to determine whether any other anthracycline or anthracenedione is superior to daunorubicin as a component of induction therapy for children with AML.
In the absence of convincing data that another anthracycline
or mitoxantrone produces superior outcome over daunorubicin when given at an equitoxic dose,
daunorubicin remains the anthracycline most commonly used during induction
therapy for children with AML in the United States.
Evidence (anthracycline):
The German Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM) Group AML-BFM 93 study evaluated cytarabine plus etoposide with either daunorubicin or idarubicin (ADE or AIE).[
The MRC-LEUK-AML12 (NCT00002658) clinical trial studied induction with cytarabine, mitoxantrone, and etoposide (MAE) in children and adults with AML compared with a similar regimen using daunorubicin (ADE).[
The AML-BFM 2004 (NCT00111345) clinical trial compared liposomal daunorubicin (L-DNR) to idarubicin at a higher-than-equivalent dose (80 mg/m2 vs. 12 mg/m2 per day for 3 days) during induction.[
Although the combination of an anthracycline and cytarabine is the basis of initial standard induction therapy for adults and children, there is evidence that alternative drugs can be used to reduce the use of anthracyclines when necessary. In the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) AML08 (NCT00703820) protocol, patients were randomly assigned to receive either clofarabine/cytarabine (CA) or high-dose cytarabine combined with daunorubicin and etoposide (HD-ADE) for induction I; all patients then received the anthracycline-containing, standard-dose ADE regimen for induction II.[
The intensity of induction therapy influences the overall outcome of therapy.
The CCG-2891 study demonstrated that intensively timed induction therapy (4-day
treatment courses separated by only 6 days) produced better EFS than standard-timing induction therapy (4-day treatment courses separated by
2 weeks or longer).[
] The MRC has intensified induction therapy by
prolonging the duration of cytarabine treatment to 10 days.[
In adults, another method of
intensifying induction therapy is to use high-dose cytarabine. While
studies in nonelderly adults suggest an advantage for intensifying induction
therapy with high-dose cytarabine (2–3 g/m2/dose) compared with standard-dose
] a benefit for the use of high-dose cytarabine compared with
standard-dose cytarabine in children was not observed using a cytarabine dose
of 1 g/m2 given twice daily for 7 days with daunorubicin and thioguanine.[
] A second pediatric study also failed to detect a benefit for high-dose cytarabine over standard-dose cytarabine when used during induction therapy.[
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin
Because further intensification of induction regimens has increased toxicity with little improvement in EFS or OS, alternative approaches, such as the use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin, have been examined.
Evidence (gemtuzumab ozogamicin):
The Children's Oncology Group (COG) has completed a series of trials—AAML03P1 (NCT00070174), a pilot study, and AAML0531 (NCT00372593), a randomized trial—that examined the incorporation of the anti-CD33 conjugated antibody gemtuzumab ozogamicin into induction therapy.[
In a retrospective analysis of the ALFA-0701 (NCT00927498) trial of older adults, higher CD33 expression corresponded with greater benefit from treatment with gemtuzumab ozogamicin.[
The CD33 receptor on AML cells exhibited architectural variability (polymorphism) that resulted in 51% of patients expressing the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12459419 (designated CC), for whom there was a significant reduction in relapse with the use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin compared with patients who did not use gemtuzumab ozogamicin (26% vs. 49%; P < .001). The alteration of this SNP resulted in a CD33 isoform lacking the CD33 IgV domain to which gemtuzumab ozogamicin binds and that is used in diagnostic immunophenotyping.[
A meta-analysis of five randomized clinical trials that evaluated gemtuzumab ozogamicin for adults with AML observed the following:[
Supportive care
In children with AML receiving modern intensive therapy, the estimated incidence of severe bacterial infections is 50% to 60%, and the estimated incidence of invasive fungal infections is 7.0% to 12.5%.[
] Several approaches have been examined in terms of reducing the morbidity and mortality from infection in children with AML.
Hematopoietic growth factors
Hematopoietic growth factors such as
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) during AML induction therapy have been
evaluated in multiple placebo-controlled studies in adults with AML in attempts to reduce the
toxicity associated with prolonged myelosuppression.[
] These studies have generally shown a reduction in the duration of neutropenia of several days with the use of either
] but have not shown significant effects on treatment-related mortality or OS.[
] (Refer to the Treatment Option Overview for AML section in the PDQ summary on Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment for more information.)
Routine prophylactic use of hematopoietic growth factors is not recommended for children with AML.
Evidence (hematopoietic growth factors):
A randomized study in children with AML that evaluated G-CSF administered after induction chemotherapy showed a reduction in duration of neutropenia but no difference in infectious complications or mortality.[
A higher relapse rate has been reported for children with AML expressing the differentiation defective G-CSF receptor isoform IV.[
Antimicrobial prophylaxis
The use of antibacterial prophylaxis in children undergoing treatment for AML has been supported by several studies. Studies, including one prospective randomized trial, suggest a benefit to the use of antibiotic prophylaxis.
Evidence (antimicrobial prophylaxis):
A retrospective study from SJCRH in patients with AML reported that the use of intravenous (IV) cefepime or vancomycin in conjunction with oral ciprofloxacin or a cephalosporin significantly reduced the incidence of bacterial infection and sepsis compared with patients receiving only oral or no antibiotic prophylaxis.[
The SJCRH results were confirmed in a subsequent study.[
A retrospective report from the COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593) trial demonstrated significant reductions in sterile-site bacterial infection and particularly gram-positive, sterile-site infections with the use of antibacterial prophylaxis.[
] This study also reported that prophylactic use of G-CSF reduced bacterial and Clostridium difficile infections.[
In a study that compared the percentage of bloodstream infections or invasive fungal infections in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or AML who underwent chemotherapy and received antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis, a significant reduction in both variables was observed when compared with a historical control group that did not receive any prophylaxis.[
In the prospective COG ACCL0934 trial for children receiving intensive chemotherapy, patients were enrolled in two separate groups—patients with acute leukemia (consisting of AML or relapsed ALL) and patients undergoing stem cell transplant. Patients with acute leukemia were randomly assigned to receive levofloxacin (n = 96) or no prophylactic antibiotic (n = 99) during the period of neutropenia in one to two cycles of chemotherapy.[
Antifungal prophylaxis
The role of antifungal prophylaxis has not been studied in children with AML using randomized, prospective studies.
Evidence (antifungal prophylaxis):
Two meta-analysis reports have suggested that antifungal prophylaxis in pediatric patients with AML during treatment-induced neutropenia or during bone marrow transplantation does reduce the frequency of invasive fungal infections and, in some instances, nonrelapse mortality.[
Another study that analyzed 1,024 patients with AML treated on the COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593) clinical trial reported no benefit of antifungal prophylaxis on fungal infections or nonrelapse mortality.[
Several randomized trials in adults with AML, however, have reported significant benefit in reducing invasive fungal infection with the use of antifungal prophylaxis. Such studies have also balanced cost with adverse side effects; when effectiveness at reducing invasive fungal infection is balanced with these other factors, posaconazole, voriconazole, caspofungin, and micafungin are considered reasonable choices.[
Cardiac monitoring
Bacteremia or sepsis and anthracycline use have been identified as significant risk factors in the development of cardiotoxicity, manifested as reduced left ventricular function.[
] Monitoring of cardiac function through the use of serial exams during therapy is an effective method for detecting cardiotoxicity and adjusting therapy as indicated. The use of dexrazoxane in conjunction with bolus dosing of anthracyclines can be an effective method of reducing the risk of cardiac dysfunction during therapy.[
Evidence (cardiac monitoring):
In the COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593) trial, 8.6% of enrolled patients experienced a reduction in left ventricular function during protocol therapy, with a cumulative incidence of left ventricular dysfunction of 12% within 5 years of completing therapy.[
The use of dexrazoxane was assessed in patients enrolled on the COG AAML1031 (NCT01371981) trial.[
Hospitalization until adequate granulocyte (absolute neutrophil or phagocyte count) recovery has been used to reduce treatment-related mortality. The COG-2961 (NCT00002798) trial was the first to note a significant reduction in treatment-related mortality (19% before mandatory hospitalization was instituted in the trial along with other supportive care changes vs. 12% afterward); OS was also improved in this trial (P <.001).[
] Another analysis of the impact of hospitalization using a survey of institutional routine practice found that those who mandated hospitalization had nonsignificant reduction in patients' treatment-related mortality (adjusted HR, 0.60 [0.26–1.36, P = .22]) compared with institutions who had no set policy.[
] Although there was no significant benefit seen in this study, the authors noted the limitations, including its methodology (survey), an inability to validate cases, and limited power to detect differences in treatment-related mortality. To avoid prolonged hospitalizations until count recovery, some institutions have used outpatient IV antibiotic prophylaxis effectively.[
Induction failure (refractory AML)
Induction failure (the morphologic presence of 5% or greater marrow blasts at the end of all induction courses) is seen in 10% to 15% of children with AML. Subsequent outcomes for patients with induction failure are similar to those for patients with AML who relapse early (<12 months after remission).[
Granulocytic sarcoma/chloroma
Granulocytic sarcoma (chloroma) describes extramedullary collections of leukemia cells. These collections can occur, albeit rarely, as the sole evidence of leukemia. In a review of three AML studies conducted by the former Children's Cancer Group, fewer than 1% of patients had isolated granulocytic sarcoma, and 11% had granulocytic sarcoma along with marrow disease at the time of diagnosis.[
] This incidence was also seen in the NOPHO-AML 2004 (NCT00476541) trial.[
Importantly, the patient who presents with an isolated tumor, without evidence of marrow involvement, must be treated as if there is systemic disease. Patients with isolated granulocytic sarcoma have a good prognosis if treated with current AML therapy.[
In a study of 1,459 children with newly diagnosed AML, patients with orbital granulocytic sarcoma and central nervous system (CNS) granulocytic sarcoma had better survival than did patients with marrow disease and granulocytic sarcoma at other sites and AML patients without any extramedullary disease.[
] Most patients with orbital granulocytic sarcoma have a t(8;21) abnormality, which has been associated with a favorable prognosis. The use of radiation therapy does not improve survival in patients with granulocytic sarcoma who have a complete response to chemotherapy, but may be necessary if the site(s) of granulocytic sarcoma do not show complete response to chemotherapy or for disease that recurs locally.[
Central Nervous System (CNS) Prophylaxis for AML
CNS involvement by AML and its impact on prognosis has been discussed above in the Prognostic Factors in Childhood AML section of this summary. Therapy with either radiation or intrathecal chemotherapy has been used to treat CNS leukemia present at diagnosis and to prevent later development of CNS leukemia. The use of radiation has essentially been abandoned as a means of prophylaxis because of the lack of documented benefit and long-term sequelae.[
] The COG has used single-agent cytarabine for both CNS prophylaxis and therapy. Other groups have attempted to prevent CNS relapse by using additional intrathecal agents.
Evidence (CNS prophylaxis):
The COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593) trial used single-agent cytarabine for prophylaxis.[
Another methodology uses additional intrathecal agents, including triples, a combination of intrathecal cytarabine, hydrocortisone, and methotrexate.[
Postremission Therapy for AML
A major challenge in the treatment of children with AML is to prolong the duration of the initial remission with additional chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Treatment options for children with AML in postremission may include the following:
Postremission chemotherapy includes some of the drugs used in induction while also introducing non–cross-resistant drugs and, commonly, high-dose cytarabine. Studies in adults with AML have demonstrated that consolidation with a high-dose cytarabine regimen improves outcome compared with consolidation with a standard-dose cytarabine regimen, particularly in patients with inv(16) and t(8;21) AML subtypes.[
] (Refer to the Adult AML in Remission section in the PDQ summary on Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment for more information.) Randomized studies evaluating the contribution of high-dose cytarabine to postremission therapy have not been conducted in children, but studies employing historical controls suggest that consolidation with a high-dose cytarabine regimen improves outcome compared with less intensive consolidation therapies.[
The optimal number of postremission courses of therapy remains unclear, but appears to require at least three courses of intensive therapy inclusive of the induction course.[
Evidence (number of postremission courses of chemotherapy):
A United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) study randomly assigned adult and pediatric patients to either four or five courses of intensive therapy. Five courses did not show an advantage in relapse-free survival and OS.[
][Level of evidence: 1iiA]
Based on this MRC data, in the COG AAML1031 (NCT01371981) trial, non–high-risk patients treated without HSCT in first CR (73% of all patients) received four cycles of chemotherapy (two induction cycles and two consolidation cycles) rather than five cycles (two induction cycles and three consolidation cycles); nontransplanted patients had received five cycles of chemotherapy on the previous COG AAML0531 (NCT00372593) and AAML03P1 (NCT00070174) trials.[
Additional study of the number of intensification courses and specific agents used will better address this issue, but these data suggest that four chemotherapy courses should only be administered to the favorable group described above, and that all other nontransplanted patients should receive five chemotherapy courses.
The use of HSCT in first remission has been under evaluation since the late 1970s, and evidence-based appraisals concerning indications for autologous and allogeneic HSCT have been published.[
] Prospective trials of transplantation in children with AML suggest that overall, 60% to 70% of children with HLA-matched donors available who undergo allogeneic HSCT during their first remission experience long-term remissions,[
] with the caveat that outcome after allogeneic HSCT is dependent on risk-classification status.[
In prospective trials of allogeneic HSCT compared with chemotherapy and/or autologous HSCT, a superior DFS has been observed for patients who were assigned to allogeneic transplantation based on availability of a family 6/6 or 5/6 HLA-matched donor in adults and children.[
] However, the superiority of allogeneic HSCT over chemotherapy has not always been observed.[
] Several large cooperative group clinical trials for children with AML have found no benefit for autologous HSCT over intensive chemotherapy.[
Current application of allogeneic HSCT involves incorporation of risk classification to determine whether transplantation should be pursued in first remission. Because of the improved outcome in patients with favorable prognostic features (low-risk cytogenetic or molecular mutations) receiving contemporary chemotherapy regimens and the lack of demonstrable superiority for HSCT in this patient population, this group of patients typically receives matched-family donor (MFD) HSCT only after first relapse and the achievement of a second CR.[
There is conflicting evidence regarding the role of allogeneic HSCT in first remission for patients with intermediate-risk characteristics (neither low-risk or high-risk cytogenetics or molecular mutations):
Evidence (allogeneic HSCT in first remission for patients with intermediate-risk AML):
A study combining the results of the POG-8821, CCG-2891, COG-2961 (NCT00002798), and MRC AML10 studies identified a DFS and OS advantage for allogeneic HSCT in patients with intermediate-risk AML
but not favorable-risk (inv(16) and t(8;21)) or poor-risk AML (del(5q), monosomy 5 or 7, or more than 15% blasts after first induction for POG/CCG studies); the MRC study included patients with 3q abnormalities and complex cytogenetics in the high-risk category.[
] Weaknesses of this study include the large percentage of patients not assigned to a risk group and the relatively low EFS and OS rates for patients with intermediate-risk AML assigned to chemotherapy, as compared with results observed in more recent clinical trials.[
The AML99 clinical trial from the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group observed a significant difference in DFS for intermediate-risk patients assigned to MFD HSCT, but there was not a significant difference in OS.[
The AML-BFM 99 clinical trial demonstrated no significant difference in either DFS or OS for intermediate-risk patients assigned to MFD HSCT versus those assigned to chemotherapy.[
Given the improved outcome for patients with intermediate-risk AML in recent clinical trials and the burden of acute and chronic toxicities associated with allogeneic transplantation, many childhood AML treatment groups (including the COG) employ chemotherapy for intermediate-risk patients in first remission and reserve allogeneic HSCT for use after potential relapse.[
There are conflicting data regarding the role of allogeneic HSCT in first remission for patients with high-risk disease, complicated by the differing definitions of high risk used by different study groups.
Evidence (allogeneic HSCT in first remission for patients with high-risk AML):
A retrospective analysis from the COG and Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) compared chemotherapy only with matched-related donor and matched-unrelated donor HSCT for patients with AML and high-risk cytogenetics, defined as monosomy 7/del(7q), monosomy 5/del(5q), abnormalities of 3q, t(6;9), or complex karyotypes.[
A Nordic Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology study reported that time-intensive reinduction therapy followed by transplant with best available donor for patients whose AML did not respond to induction therapy resulted in 70% survival at a median follow-up of 2.6 years.[
][Level of evidence: 2A]
A single-institution retrospective study of 36 consecutive patients (aged 0–30 years) with high-risk AML (FLT3-ITD, 11q23 KMT2A [MLL] rearrangements, presence of chromosome 5 or 7 abnormalities, induction failure, persistent disease), who were in a morphologic first remission before allogeneic transplant.[
A subgroup analysis from the AML-BFM 98 clinical trial demonstrated improved survival rates for patients with 11q23 aberrations allocated to allogeneic HSCT, but not for patients without 11q23 aberrations.[
For children with FLT3-ITD (high-allelic ratio), patients who received MFD HSCT (n = 6) had higher OS than did patients who received standard chemotherapy (n = 28); however, the number of cases studied limited the ability to draw conclusions.[
A subsequent retrospective report from three consecutive trials in young adults with AML found that patients with FLT3-ITD high-allelic ratio did benefit from allogeneic HSCT (P =.03), whereas patients with low-allelic ratio did not (P = .64).[
A subset analysis of the COG phase III trial evaluated gemtuzumab ozogamicin during induction therapy in children with newly diagnosed AML.[
Many, but not all, pediatric clinical trial groups prescribe allogeneic HSCT for high-risk patients in first remission.[
] For example, the COG frontline AML clinical trial (COG-AAML1031) prescribes allogeneic HSCT in first remission only for patients with predicted high risk of treatment failure based on unfavorable cytogenetic and molecular characteristics and elevated end-of-induction MRD levels. On the other hand, the AML-BFM trials restrict allogeneic HSCT to patients in second CR and to refractory AML. This was based on results from their AML-BFM 98 study, which found no improvement in DFS or OS for high-risk patients receiving allogeneic HSCT in first CR, as well as the successful treatment using HSCT for a substantial proportion of patients who achieved a second CR.[
] Additionally, late sequelae (e.g., cardiomyopathy, skeletal anomalies, and liver dysfunction or cirrhosis) were increased for children undergoing allogeneic HSCT in first remission on the AML-BFM 98 study.[
Because definitions of high-, intermediate-, and low-risk AML are evolving because of the ongoing association of molecular characteristics of the tumor with outcome (e.g., FLT3 internal tandem duplications, WT1 mutations, and NPM1 mutations) and response to therapy (e.g., MRD assessments postinduction therapy), further analysis of subpopulations of patients treated with allogeneic HSCT will be an ongoing need in current and future clinical trials.
If transplant is chosen in first CR, the optimal preparative regimen and source of donor cells has not been determined, although alternative donor sources, including haploidentical donors, are being studied.[
] There are no data that suggest total-body irradiation (TBI) is superior to busulfan-based myeloablative regimens.[
] Additionally, outstanding outcomes have been noted for patients who were treated with treosulfan-based regimens; however, trials comparing treosulfan with busulfan or TBI are lacking.[
Evidence (myeloablative regimen):
A randomized trial that compared busulfan plus fludarabine with busulfan plus cyclophosphamide as a preparative regimen for AML in first CR demonstrated that the former regimen was associated with less toxicity and comparable DFS and OS.[
In addition, a large prospective CIBMTR cohort study of children and adults with AML, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) showed superior survival of patients with early-stage disease (chronic-phase CML, first CR AML, and MDS-refractory anemia) with busulfan-based regimens compared with TBI.[
Other than the APL subtype, there are no data that demonstrate that maintenance therapy given after intensive postremission therapy significantly prolongs remission duration. Maintenance chemotherapy failed to show benefit in two randomized studies that used modern intensive consolidation therapy,[
] and maintenance therapy with interleukin-2 also proved ineffective.[
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Recurrent or Refractory Childhood AML and Other Myeloid Malignancies
The diagnosis of recurrent or relapsed AML according to COG criteria is essentially the same as the criteria for making the diagnosis of AML. Usually this is defined as patients having more than 5% bone marrow blasts who were in previous remission after therapy for a diagnosis of AML according to World Health Organization (WHO) classification criteria.[
Despite second remission induction in over one-half of children with AML treated with drugs similar to drugs used in initial
induction therapy, the prognosis for a child with recurrent or progressive AML
is generally poor.[
Recurrent childhood AML
Approximately 50% to 60% of relapses occur within the
first year after diagnosis, with most relapses occurring by 4 years from
] The vast majority of relapses occur in the bone marrow, and CNS
relapse is very uncommon.[
Prognosis and prognostic factors
Factors affecting the ability to attain a second remission include the following:
Additional prognostic factors were identified in the following studies:
Treatment of recurrent AML
Treatment options for children with recurrent AML may include the following:
Regimens that have been successfully used to induce remission in children with
recurrent AML have commonly included high-dose cytarabine given in combination
with the following agents:
Regimens built upon clofarabine have also been used;[
][Level of evidence: 2Div] as have regimens of 2-chloroadenosine.[
] The COG AAML0523 (NCT00372619) trial evaluated the combination of clofarabine plus high-dose cytarabine in patients with relapsed AML; the response rate was 48% and the OS rate, with 21 of 23 responders undergoing HSCT, was 46%. MRD before HSCT was a strong predictor of survival.[
][Level of evidence: 2Di]
The standard-dose cytarabine regimens used in the
United Kingdom MRC AML10 study for newly diagnosed children with AML (cytarabine and
daunorubicin plus either etoposide or thioguanine) have, when used in the setting of relapse, produced remission
rates similar to those achieved with high-dose cytarabine regimens.[
In a COG phase II study, the addition of bortezomib to idarubicin plus low-dose cytarabine resulted in an overall CR rate of 57%, and the addition of bortezomib to etoposide and high-dose cytarabine resulted in an overall CR rate of 48%.[
The selection of additional treatment after the achievement of a second
complete remission depends on previous treatment and individual considerations.
Consolidation chemotherapy followed by HSCT is conventionally recommended, although there are no controlled prospective data regarding the contribution of additional courses of therapy once a second complete remission is obtained.[
Evidence (HSCT after second complete remission):
The BFM group examined outcomes of children with AML over a 35-year period and found that the greatest improvement in overall outcome was the improvement in survival after relapse. This improved EFS after relapse or refractory disease was only seen in patients who received a stem cell transplant as part of their salvage therapy.[
Unrelated donor HSCT has been reported to result in 5-year probabilities of leukemia-free survival of 45%, 20%, and 12% for patients with AML transplanted in second complete remission, overt relapse, and primary induction failure, respectively.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiA]
A number of studies, including a large, prospective CIBMTR cohort study of children and adults with myeloid diseases, have shown similar or superior survival with busulfan-based regimens compared with TBI.[
Matched-sibling donor transplantation has generally led to the best outcomes, but use of single-antigen mismatched related or matched unrelated donors results in very similar survival at the cost of increased rates of GVHD and nonrelapse mortality.[
] Umbilical cord outcomes are similar to other unrelated donor outcomes, but matching patients at a minimum of 7/8 alleles (HLA A, B, C, DRB1) leads to less nonrelapse mortality.[
] Haploidentical approaches are being used with increasing frequency and have shown comparable outcomes to other stem cell sources in pediatrics.[
] Direct comparison of haploidentical and other unrelated donor sources has not been performed in pediatrics, but studies in adults have shown similar outcomes.[
Reduced-intensity approaches have been used successfully in pediatrics, but mainly in children unable to undergo myeloablative approaches.[
] A randomized trial in adults showed superior outcomes with myeloablative approaches compared with reduced-intensity regimens.[
Second transplant after relapse following a first transplant
There is evidence that long-term survival can be achieved in a portion of pediatric patients who undergo a second transplant subsequent to relapse after a first myeloablative transplant. Survival was associated with late relapse (>6–12 months from first transplant), achievement of complete response before the second procedure, and use of a second myeloablative regimen if possible.[
CNS relapse
Isolated CNS relapse occurs in 3% to 6% of pediatric AML patients.[
] Factors associated with an increased risk of isolated CNS relapse include the following:[
The risk of CNS relapse increases with increasing CNS leukemic involvement at initial AML diagnosis (CNS1: 0.6%, CNS2: 2.6%, CNS3: 5.8% incidence of isolated CNS relapse, P < .001; multivariate HR for CNS3: 7.82, P = .0003).[
] The outcome of isolated CNS relapse when treated as a systemic relapse is similar to that of bone marrow relapse. In one study, the 8-year OS for a cohort of children with an isolated CNS relapse was 26% ± 16%.[
] CNS relapse may also occur in the setting of bone marrow relapse and its likelihood increases with CNS involvement at diagnosis (CNS1: 2.7%, CNS2: 8.5%, CNS3: 9.2% incidence of concurrent CNS relapse, P < .001).[
Refractory childhood AML (induction failure)
Treatment options for children with refractory AML may include the following:
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin.
Like patients with relapsed AML, induction failure patients are typically directed towards HSCT once they attain a remission, because studies suggest a better EFS than in patients treated with chemotherapy only (31.2% vs. 5%, P < .0001). Attainment of morphologic CR for these patients is a significant prognostic factor for DFS after HSCT (46% vs. 0%; P = .02), with failure primarily resulting from relapse (relapse risk, 53.9% vs. 88.9%; P = .02).[
Evidence (treatment of refractory childhood AML with gemtuzumab ozogamicin):
In the SJCRH trial AML02 (NCT00136084), gemtuzumab ozogamicin was given alone (n = 17), typically where MRD was low but still detectable (0.1%–5.6%), or in combination with chemotherapy (n = 29) to those patients with high residual MRD (1%–97%) after the first induction cycle.[
In a phase II trial of gemtuzumab ozogamicin alone for children with relapsed/refractory AML failing previous reinduction attempts, 11 of 30 patients achieved a CR or partial CR, with a 27% versus 0% (P = .001) 3-year OS for responders versus nonresponders.[
Treatment options under clinical evaluation
Information about National Cancer Institute (NCI)–supported clinical trials can be found on the NCI website. For information about clinical trials sponsored by other organizations, refer to the website.
The following are examples of national and/or institutional clinical trials that are currently being conducted:
NCT03071276 (Selinexor, Fludarabine Phosphate, and Cytarabine in Treating Younger Patients with Refractory or Relapsed AML, ALL, or MDS): SJCRH-sponsored, single-arm, open label, phase II trial examining whether the addition of the selective inhibitor of nuclear export, selinexor, when added to a common AML reinduction backbone improves the study endpoint, complete response.
NCT02538965 (A Study of Lenalidomide in Pediatric Subjects With Relapsed or Refractory AML): This joint industry/COG study, AAML1522, is a single-arm, open label, phase II trial to evaluate the activity, safety, and pharmacokinetics of lenalidomide as a single agent for children with relapsed or refractory AML with complete response within a maximum of four cycles as the primary outcome.
NCT02642965 (Liposomal Cytarabine-Daunorubicin CPX-351, Fludarabine Phosphate, Cytarabine, and Filgrastim in Treating Younger Patients with Relapsed or Refractory AML): This phase I/II COG trial, AAML1421, for children in first relapse of their AML, uses a novel liposomal preparation of the two agents, cytarabine and daunomycin in a fixed 5:1 molar concentration in cycle 1, that exams whether this method of formulation of these two traditional AML agents is less toxic and more effective determined by the primary outcomes of toxicity and overall response.
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Ries LAG, Melbert D, Krapcho M, et al.: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2005. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, 2007. Also available online. Last accessed March 25, 2020.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gibson BE, Wheatley K, Hann IM, et al.: Treatment strategy and long-term results in paediatric patients treated in consecutive UK AML trials. Leukemia 19 (12): 2130-8, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lange BJ, Smith FO, Feusner J, et al.: Outcomes in CCG-2961, a children's oncology group phase 3 trial for untreated pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the children's oncology group. Blood 111 (3): 1044-53, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Büchner T, Sauerland MC, et al.: Significance of age in acute myeloid leukemia patients younger than 30 years: a common analysis of the pediatric trials AML-BFM 93/98 and the adult trials AMLCG 92/99 and AMLSG HD93/98A. Cancer 112 (3): 562-71, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kaspers GJ, Creutzig U: Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: international progress and future directions. Leukemia 19 (12): 2025-9, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gibson BE, Webb DK, Howman AJ, et al.: Results of a randomized trial in children with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: medical research council AML12 trial. Br J Haematol 155 (3): 366-76, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Zimmermann M, Lehrnbecher T, et al.: Less toxicity by optimizing chemotherapy, but not by addition of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in children and adolescents with acute myeloid leukemia: results of AML-BFM 98. J Clin Oncol 24 (27): 4499-506, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Cooper TM, Franklin J, Gerbing RB, et al.: AAML03P1, a pilot study of the safety of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in combination with chemotherapy for newly diagnosed childhood acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Cancer 118 (3): 761-9, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS, Alonzo TA, Meshinchi S, et al.: Gemtuzumab ozogamicin in children and adolescents with de novo acute myeloid leukemia improves event-free survival by reducing relapse risk: results from the randomized phase III Children’s Oncology Group trial AAML0531. J Clin Oncol 32 (27): 3021-32, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stevens RF, Hann IM, Wheatley K, et al.: Marked improvements in outcome with chemotherapy alone in paediatric acute myeloid leukemia: results of the United Kingdom Medical Research Council's 10th AML trial. MRC Childhood Leukaemia Working Party. Br J Haematol 101 (1): 130-40, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Ritter J, Zimmermann M, et al.: Improved treatment results in high-risk pediatric acute myeloid leukemia patients after intensification with high-dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone: results of Study Acute Myeloid Leukemia-Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster 93. J Clin Oncol 19 (10): 2705-13, 2001.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hann IM, Stevens RF, Goldstone AH, et al.: Randomized comparison of DAT versus ADE as induction chemotherapy in children and younger adults with acute myeloid leukemia. Results of the Medical Research Council's 10th AML trial (MRC AML10). Adult and Childhood Leukaemia Working Parties of the Medical Research Council. Blood 89 (7): 2311-8, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Burnett AK, Russell NH, Hills RK, et al.: Optimization of chemotherapy for younger patients with acute myeloid leukemia: results of the medical research council AML15 trial. J Clin Oncol 31 (27): 3360-8, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Ritter J, Zimmermann M, et al.: Idarubicin improves blast cell clearance during induction therapy in children with AML: results of study AML-BFM 93. AML-BFM Study Group. Leukemia 15 (3): 348-54, 2001.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Tarlock K, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Reduces Relapse Risk in FLT3/ITD Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group. Clin Cancer Res 22 (8): 1951-7, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Pollard JA, Loken M, Gerbing RB, et al.: CD33 Expression and Its Association With Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Response: Results From the Randomized Phase III Children's Oncology Group Trial AAML0531. J Clin Oncol 34 (7): 747-55, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Lamba JK, Chauhan L, Shin M, et al.: CD33 Splicing Polymorphism Determines Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Response in De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Report From Randomized Phase III Children's Oncology Group Trial AAML0531. J Clin Oncol 35 (23): 2674-2682, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hills RK, Castaigne S, Appelbaum FR, et al.: Addition of gemtuzumab ozogamicin to induction chemotherapy in adult patients with acute myeloid leukaemia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised controlled trials. Lancet Oncol 15 (9): 986-96, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Yeh TC, Liu HC, Hou JY, et al.: Severe infections in children with acute leukemia undergoing intensive chemotherapy can successfully be prevented by ciprofloxacin, voriconazole, or micafungin prophylaxis. Cancer 120 (8): 1255-62, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Mandhaniya S, Swaroop C, Thulkar S, et al.: Oral voriconazole versus intravenous low dose amphotericin B for primary antifungal prophylaxis in pediatric acute leukemia induction: a prospective, randomized, clinical study. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 33 (8): e333-41, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Getz KD, Sung L, Ky B, et al.: Occurrence of Treatment-Related Cardiotoxicity and Its Impact on Outcomes Among Children Treated in the AAML0531 Clinical Trial: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group. J Clin Oncol 37 (1): 12-21, 2019.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Wells RJ, Adams MT, Alonzo TA, et al.: Mitoxantrone and cytarabine induction, high-dose cytarabine, and etoposide intensification for pediatric patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia: Children's Cancer Group Study 2951. J Clin Oncol 21 (15): 2940-7, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Aplenc R, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Safety and efficacy of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in combination with chemotherapy for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. J Clin Oncol 26 (14): 2390-3295, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Johnston DL, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Superior outcome of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia patients with orbital and CNS myeloid sarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 58 (4): 519-24, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL)
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a distinct subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) because of several factors, including the following:
These unique features of APL mandate a high index of suspicion at diagnosis so as to initiate proper supportive care measures to avoid coagulopathic complications during the first days of therapy. It is also critical to institute a different induction regimen of therapy to minimize the risk of coagulopathic complications and to provide a much improved long-term relapse-free survival and overall survival (OS) than with past approaches to APL and compared with outcomes for patients with the other forms of AML.[
Molecular Abnormality
The characteristic chromosomal abnormality associated with APL is t(15;17). This translocation involves a breakpoint that includes the retinoic acid receptor and leads to production of the promyelocytic leukemia (PML)–retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) fusion protein.[
Patients with a suspected diagnosis of APL can have their diagnosis confirmed by detection of the PML-RARA fusion (e.g., through fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH], reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR], or conventional cytogenetics). An immunofluorescence method using an anti-PML monoclonal antibody can rapidly establish the presence of the PML-RARA fusion protein based on the characteristic distribution pattern of PML that occurs in the presence of the fusion protein.[
Clinical Presentation
Clinically, APL is characterized by severe coagulopathy that is often present at the time of diagnosis.[
] This is typically manifested with thrombocytopenia, prolonged prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, elevated d-dimers, and hypofibrinogenemia.[
] Mortality during induction (particularly with cytotoxic agents used alone) caused by bleeding complications is more common in this subtype than in other FAB or World Health Organization (WHO) classifications.[
] A multicooperative group analysis of children with APL who were treated with ATRA and chemotherapy reported that early induction coagulopathic deaths occurred in 25 of 683 children (3.7%); 23 deaths resulted from hemorrhage (19 CNS, 4 pulmonary), and 2 resulted from CNS thrombosis.[
] A lumbar puncture at diagnosis should not be performed until evidence of coagulopathy has resolved.
ATRA therapy is initiated as soon as APL is suspected on the basis of morphological and clinical presentation,[
] because ATRA has been shown to ameliorate bleeding risk for patients with APL.[
] A retrospective analysis identified an increase in early death resulting from hemorrhage in patients with APL in whom ATRA introduction was delayed.[
] Additionally, initiation of supportive measures such as replacement transfusions directed at correction of the coagulopathy is critical during these initial days of diagnosis and therapy. Patients at greatest risk of coagulopathic complications are those presenting with high white blood cell (WBC) counts, high body mass index, hypofibrinogenemia, molecular variants of APL, and the presence of FLT3-ITD mutations.[
APL in children is generally similar to APL in adults, although children have a higher incidence of hyperleukocytosis (defined as WBC count higher than 10 × 109/L) and a higher incidence of the microgranular morphologic subtype.[
] As in adults, children with WBC counts less than 10 × 109/L at diagnosis have significantly better outcomes than do patients with higher WBC counts.[
Risk Classification for Treatment Stratification
The prognostic significance of WBC count is used to define high-risk and low-risk patient populations and to assign postinduction treatment, with high-risk patients most commonly defined by WBC count of 10 × 109/L or greater.[
] FLT3 mutations (either internal tandem duplications or kinase domain mutations) are observed in 40% to 50% of APL cases, with the presence of FLT3 mutations correlating with higher WBC counts and the microgranular variant (M3v) subtype.[
] The FLT3 mutation has been associated with an increased risk of induction death and, in some reports, an increased risk of treatment failure.[
In the COG AAML0631 (NCT00866918) trial, which included treatment with chemotherapy, ATRA, and arsenic trioxide, risk classification primarily defined early death risk rather than relapse risk (standard risk, 0 of 66 patients vs. high risk, 4 of 35 patients). Relapse risk after remission induction was 4% overall, with one relapse in a standard-risk child and two relapses in high-risk children. High-risk patients on this trial had earlier initiation of idarubicin, with first dose on day 1 rather than day 3 to reduce leukemic burden more rapidly, and one additional consolidation chemotherapy (high-dose cytarabine and idarubicin) and ATRA cycle.[
The Central Nervous System (CNS) and APL
CNS involvement at the time of diagnosis is not ascertained in most patients with APL because of the presence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. The COG AAML0631 (NCT00866918) trial identified 28 patients out of 101 enrolled children who had CSF exams at diagnosis, and in 7 of these children, blasts were identified in atraumatic taps.[
] None of the patients experienced a CNS relapse with intrathecal treatment during induction and prophylactic doses during therapy.
Overall, CNS relapse is uncommon for patients with APL, particularly for those with WBC counts of less than 10 × 109/L.[
] In two clinical trials enrolling over 1,400 adults with APL in which CNS prophylaxis was not administered, the cumulative incidence of CNS relapse was less than 1% for patients with WBC counts of less than 10 × 109/L, while it was approximately 5% for those with WBC counts of 10 × 109/L or greater.[
] In addition to high WBC counts at diagnosis, CNS hemorrhage during induction is also a risk factor for CNS relapse.[
] A review of published cases of pediatric APL also observed low rates of CNS relapse. Because of the low incidence of CNS relapse among children with APL presenting with WBC counts of less than 10 × 109/L, CNS surveillance and prophylactic CNS therapy may not be needed for this group of patients,[
] although there is no consensus on this topic.[
Treatment of APL
Modern treatment programs for APL are based on the sensitivity of leukemia cells from APL patients to the differentiation-inducing and apoptotic effects of ATRA and arsenic trioxide. APL therapy first diverged from the therapy of other non-APL subtypes of AML with the addition of ATRA to chemotherapy.
Treatment options for children with APL may include the following:
Arsenic trioxide.
Supportive care.
The standard approach to treating children with APL builds upon adult clinical trial results; the approach begins with induction therapy using ATRA given in combination with an anthracycline administered with or without cytarabine. The dramatic efficacy of ATRA against APL results from the ability of pharmacologic doses of ATRA to overcome the repression of signaling caused by the PML-RARA fusion protein at physiologic ATRA concentrations. Restoration of signaling leads to differentiation of APL cells and then to postmaturation apoptosis.[
] Most patients with APL achieve a complete remission (CR) when treated with ATRA, although single-agent ATRA is generally not curative.[
A series of randomized clinical trials defined the benefit of combining ATRA with chemotherapy during induction therapy and the utility of using ATRA as maintenance therapy.[
] One regimen uses ATRA in conjunction with standard-dose cytarabine and daunorubicin,[
] while another uses idarubicin and ATRA without cytarabine for remission induction.[
] Almost all children with APL treated with one of these approaches achieves CR in the absence of coagulopathy-related mortality.[
Assessment of response to induction therapy in the first month of treatment using morphologic and molecular criteria may provide misleading results because delayed persistence of differentiating leukemia cells can occur in patients who will ultimately achieve CR.[
] Alterations in planned treatment based on these early observations are not appropriate because resistance of APL to ATRA plus anthracycline-containing regimens is extremely rare.[
Consolidation therapy has typically included ATRA given with an anthracycline with or without cytarabine. The role of cytarabine in consolidation therapy regimens is controversial. While a randomized study addressing the contribution of cytarabine to a daunorubicin-plus-ATRA regimen in adults with low-risk APL showed a benefit for the addition of cytarabine,[
] regimens using a high-dose anthracycline appear to produce as good as or better results in low-risk patients.[
] For high-risk patients (WBC ≥10 × 109/L), a historical comparison of the Programa para el Tratamiento de Hemopatías Malignas
(PETHEMA) LPA 2005 (NCT00408278) trial with the preceding LPA 99 (NCT00465933) trial suggested that the addition of cytarabine to anthracycline-ATRA combinations can lower the relapse rate.[
] The results of the AIDA 2000 (NCT00180128) trial confirmed that the cumulative incidence of relapse for adult patients with high-risk disease can be reduced to approximately 10% with consolidation regimens that contain ATRA, anthracyclines, and cytarabine.[
] Studies using arsenic trioxide–based consolidation have demonstrated excellent survival without cytarabine consolidation.[
Maintenance therapy includes ATRA plus mercaptopurine and methotrexate; this combination has shown conflicting benefit, with some randomized trials in adults with APL showing an advantage over ATRA alone [
] and other studies showing no benefit.[
] However, the utility of maintenance therapy in APL may be dependent on multiple factors (e.g., risk group, the anthracycline used during induction, the use of arsenic trioxide, and the intensity of induction and consolidation therapy).
At this time, maintenance therapy remains standard for children with APL. Because of the favorable outcomes observed with chemotherapy plus ATRA and arsenic trioxide (event-free survival [EFS] rates of 70%–90%), hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is not recommended in first CR.
Arsenic trioxide is the most active agent in the treatment of APL, and while initially used in relapsed APL, it has been incorporated into the treatment of newly diagnosed patients. Data supporting the use of arsenic trioxide initially came from trials that included adult patients only, but more recently, its efficacy has been seen on trials that included both pediatric and adult patients and pediatric patients alone.
Evidence (arsenic trioxide therapy):
In adults with newly diagnosed APL treated on the CALGB-C9710 (NCT00003934) trial, the addition of two consolidation courses of arsenic trioxide to a standard APL treatment regimen resulted in the following:[
In children and adolescents with newly diagnosed APL treated on the COG AAML0631 (NCT00866918) trial, two consolidation cycles of arsenic trioxide were incorporated into a chemotherapy regimen with lower cumulative anthracycline doses compared with historical controls.[
The concurrent use of arsenic trioxide and ATRA in newly diagnosed patients with APL results in high rates of CR.[
] Early experience in children with newly diagnosed APL also shows high rates of CR to arsenic trioxide, either as a single agent or given with ATRA.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiA]
Arsenic trioxide was evaluated as a component of induction therapy with idarubicin and ATRA in the APML4 clinical trial, which enrolled both children and adults (N = 124 evaluable patients).[
] Patients received two courses of consolidation therapy with arsenic trioxide and ATRA (but no anthracycline) and maintenance therapy with ATRA, mercaptopurine, and methotrexate.[
A German and Italian phase III clinical trial (APL0406 [NCT00482833]) compared ATRA plus chemotherapy with ATRA plus arsenic trioxide in adults with APL classified as low to intermediate risk (WBC ≤10 × 109/L).[
] Patients were randomly assigned to receive either ATRA plus arsenic trioxide for induction and consolidation therapy or standard ATRA-idarubicin induction therapy followed by three cycles of consolidation therapy with ATRA plus chemotherapy and maintenance therapy with low-dose chemotherapy and ATRA.
Numerous trials showed that for children with APL, survival rates exceeding 80% are now achievable using treatment programs that prescribe the rapid initiation of ATRA with appropriate supportive care measures;[
] a rate exceeding 90% was demonstrated in a single trial that added arsenic trioxide to the treatment regimen.[
] For patients in CR for more than 5 years, relapse is extremely rare.[
][Level of evidence: 1iiDi]
Treatment options under clinical evaluation
Information about National Cancer Institute (NCI)–supported clinical trials can be found on the NCI website. For information about clinical trials sponsored by other organizations, refer to the website.
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
COG AAML1331 (NCT02339740) (Tretinoin and Arsenic Trioxide in Treating Patients with Untreated APL):
This is a single-arm trial that risk stratifies therapy to either ATRA plus arsenic trioxide alone for those with standard-risk APL (WBC <10,000/µl) or to the same induction with brief additional doses of idarubicin during induction for high-risk APL (WBC ≥10,000/µl). This builds upon the adult APL trials that eliminated traditional chemotherapy and which saw no decline in outcomes. Additionally, this trial eliminates maintenance therapy and thus reduces the overall length of therapy from 30 months to 8 months. Results will be compared historically to the COG-AAML0631 trial.
Complications unique to APL therapy
In addition to the previously mentioned universal presence of coagulopathy in patients newly diagnosed with APL, several other unique complications occur in patients with APL for which the clinician should be aware. These include two ATRA-related conditions, pseudotumor cerebri and differentiation syndrome (also called retinoic acid syndrome), and an arsenic trioxide–related complication, QT interval prolongation.
Minimal disease monitoring
The induction and consolidation therapies currently employed result in molecular remission, as measured by RT-PCR for PML-RARA, in most APL patients, with 1% or fewer showing molecular evidence of disease at the end of consolidation therapy.[
] While two negative RT-PCR assays after completion of therapy are associated with long-term remission,[
] conversion from negative to positive RT-PCR is highly predictive of subsequent hematologic relapse.[
Molecular Variants of APL Other Than PML-RARA and Therapeutic Impact
Uncommon molecular variants of APL produce fusion proteins that join distinctive gene partners (e.g., PLZF, NPM, STAT5B, and NuMA) to RARA.[
] Recognition of these rare variants is important because they differ in their sensitivity to ATRA and to arsenic trioxide.[
Treatment of Recurrent APL
Historically, 10% to 20% of patients with APL relapse; however, more current studies that incorporated arsenic trioxide therapy showed cumulative incidence of relapse of less than 5%.[
In patients initially receiving chemotherapy-based treatments, the duration of first remission is prognostic in APL, with patients who relapse within 12 to 18 months of initial diagnosis having a worse outcome.[
An important issue in children who relapse is the previous exposure to anthracyclines, which can range from 400 mg/m2 to 750 mg/m2.[
] Thus, regimens containing anthracyclines are often not optimal for children with APL who suffer relapse.
Treatment options for children with recurrent APL may include the following:
For children with recurrent APL, the use of
arsenic trioxide as a single agent or in regimens including ATRA should be
considered, depending on the therapy given during first remission. Arsenic
trioxide is an active agent in patients with recurrent APL, with approximately 85% of
patients achieving remission after treatment with this agent.[
] Arsenic trioxide is even capable of inducing remissions in patients who relapse after having received arsenic trioxide during initial therapy.[
] APL cells, however, may become resistant to arsenic trioxide through mechanisms including mutation of the PML domain of the PML-RARA fusion oncogene.[
For adults with relapsed APL, approximately 85% achieve morphologic remission after treatment with arsenic trioxide.[
] Data
are limited on the use of arsenic trioxide in children, although published
reports suggest that children with relapsed APL have a response to arsenic trioxide
similar to that of adults.[
] Arsenic trioxide is well tolerated in children with relapsed APL. The toxicity profile and response rates in children are similar to that observed in adults.[
Because arsenic trioxide causes QT-interval
prolongation that can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias,[
] it is essential to monitor electrolytes closely in patients
receiving arsenic trioxide and to maintain potassium and magnesium values at
midnormal ranges.[
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin
The use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin, an anti-CD33/calicheamicin monoclonal antibody, as a single agent resulted in a 91% (9 of 11 patients) molecular remission after two doses and a 100% (13 of 13 patients) molecular remission after three doses, thus demonstrating excellent activity of this agent in relapsed APL.[
Retrospective pediatric studies have reported 5-year EFS rates after either autologous or allogeneic transplantation approaches to be similar, at approximately 70%.[
Evidence (autologous HSCT):
When considering autologous transplantation, a study in adult patients demonstrated improved 7-year EFS (77% vs. 50%) when both the patient and the stem cell product had negative promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor alpha fusion transcript by polymerase chain reaction (molecular remission) before transplant.[
Another study demonstrated that among seven patients undergoing autologous HSCT and whose cells were minimal residual disease (MRD)-positive, all relapsed in less than 9 months after transplantation; however, only one of eight patients whose autologous donor cells were MRD-negative relapsed.[
Another report demonstrated that the 5-year EFS was 83.3% for patients who underwent autologous HSCT in second molecular remission and was 34.5% for patients who received only maintenance therapy.[
Such data support the use of autologous transplantation in patients who are MRD-negative in second CR who have poorly matched allogeneic donors.
Because of the rarity of APL in children and the favorable outcome for this disease, clinical trials in relapsed APL to compare treatment approaches are likely not feasible. However, an international expert panel provided recommendations for the treatment of relapsed APL on the basis of the reported pediatric and adult experience.[
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Melnick A, Licht JD: Deconstructing a disease: RARalpha, its fusion partners, and their roles in the pathogenesis of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Blood 93 (10): 3167-215, 1999.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sanz MA, Grimwade D, Tallman MS, et al.: Management of acute promyelocytic leukemia: recommendations from an expert panel on behalf of the European LeukemiaNet. Blood 113 (9): 1875-91, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sanz MA, Lo-Coco F: Modern approaches to treating acute promyelocytic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 29 (5): 495-503, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Falini B, Flenghi L, Fagioli M, et al.: Immunocytochemical diagnosis of acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3) with the monoclonal antibody PG-M3 (anti-PML). Blood 90 (10): 4046-53, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Park JH, Qiao B, Panageas KS, et al.: Early death rate in acute promyelocytic leukemia remains high despite all-trans retinoic acid. Blood 118 (5): 1248-54, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Abla O, Ribeiro RC, Testi AM, et al.: Predictors of thrombohemorrhagic early death in children and adolescents with t(15;17)-positive acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with ATRA and chemotherapy. Ann Hematol 96 (9): 1449-1456, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Breen KA, Grimwade D, Hunt BJ: The pathogenesis and management of the coagulopathy of acute promyelocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol 156 (1): 24-36, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Testi AM, Biondi A, Lo Coco F, et al.: GIMEMA-AIEOPAIDA protocol for the treatment of newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) in children. Blood 106 (2): 447-53, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ortega JJ, Madero L, Martín G, et al.: Treatment with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline monochemotherapy for children with acute promyelocytic leukemia: a multicenter study by the PETHEMA Group. J Clin Oncol 23 (30): 7632-40, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Guglielmi C, Martelli MP, Diverio D, et al.: Immunophenotype of adult and childhood acute promyelocytic leukaemia: correlation with morphology, type of PML gene breakpoint and clinical outcome. A cooperative Italian study on 196 cases. Br J Haematol 102 (4): 1035-41, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sanz MA, Lo Coco F, Martín G, et al.: Definition of relapse risk and role of nonanthracycline drugs for consolidation in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia: a joint study of the PETHEMA and GIMEMA cooperative groups. Blood 96 (4): 1247-53, 2000.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sanz MA, Martín G, González M, et al.: Risk-adapted treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with all-trans-retinoic acid and anthracycline monochemotherapy: a multicenter study by the PETHEMA group. Blood 103 (4): 1237-43, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lo-Coco F, Avvisati G, Vignetti M, et al.: Front-line treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with AIDA induction followed by risk-adapted consolidation for adults younger than 61 years: results of the AIDA-2000 trial of the GIMEMA Group. Blood 116 (17): 3171-9, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Callens C, Chevret S, Cayuela JM, et al.: Prognostic implication of FLT3 and Ras gene mutations in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL): a retrospective study from the European APL Group. Leukemia 19 (7): 1153-60, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gale RE, Hills R, Pizzey AR, et al.: Relationship between FLT3 mutation status, biologic characteristics, and response to targeted therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Blood 106 (12): 3768-76, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Tallman MS, Kim HT, Montesinos P, et al.: Does microgranular variant morphology of acute promyelocytic leukemia independently predict a less favorable outcome compared with classical M3 APL? A joint study of the North American Intergroup and the PETHEMA Group. Blood 116 (25): 5650-9, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Iland HJ, Bradstock K, Supple SG, et al.: All-trans-retinoic acid, idarubicin, and IV arsenic trioxide as initial therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML4). Blood 120 (8): 1570-80; quiz 1752, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kutny MA, Moser BK, Laumann K, et al.: FLT3 mutation status is a predictor of early death in pediatric acute promyelocytic leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 59 (4): 662-7, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kutny MA, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Arsenic Trioxide Consolidation Allows Anthracycline Dose Reduction for Pediatric Patients With Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: Report From the Children's Oncology Group Phase III Historically Controlled Trial AAML0631. J Clin Oncol 35 (26): 3021-3029, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
de Botton S, Sanz MA, Chevret S, et al.: Extramedullary relapse in acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with all-trans retinoic acid and chemotherapy. Leukemia 20 (1): 35-41, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Montesinos P, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Debén G, et al.: Central nervous system involvement at first relapse in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline monochemotherapy without intrathecal prophylaxis. Haematologica 94 (9): 1242-9, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Chow J, Feusner J: Isolated central nervous system recurrence of acute promyelocytic leukemia in children. Pediatr Blood Cancer 52 (1): 11-3, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kaspers G, Gibson B, Grimwade D, et al.: Central nervous system involvement in relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 53 (2): 235-6; author reply 237, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Huang ME, Ye YC, Chen SR, et al.: Use of all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Blood 72 (2): 567-72, 1988.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Fenaux P, Chastang C, Chevret S, et al.: A randomized comparison of all transretinoic acid (ATRA) followed by chemotherapy and ATRA plus chemotherapy and the role of maintenance therapy in newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia. The European APL Group. Blood 94 (4): 1192-200, 1999.[PUBMED Abstract]
Fenaux P, Chevret S, Guerci A, et al.: Long-term follow-up confirms the benefit of all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia. European APL group. Leukemia 14 (8): 1371-7, 2000.[PUBMED Abstract]
Tallman MS, Andersen JW, Schiffer CA, et al.: All-trans-retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 337 (15): 1021-8, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gregory J, Kim H, Alonzo T, et al.: Treatment of children with acute promyelocytic leukemia: results of the first North American Intergroup trial INT0129. Pediatr Blood Cancer 53 (6): 1005-10, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Imaizumi M, Tawa A, Hanada R, et al.: Prospective study of a therapeutic regimen with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracyclines in combination of cytarabine in children with acute promyelocytic leukaemia: the Japanese childhood acute myeloid leukaemia cooperative study. Br J Haematol 152 (1): 89-98, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Testi AM, Pession A, Diverio D, et al.: Risk-adapted treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia: results from the International Consortium for Childhood APL. Blood 132 (4): 405-412, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sanz MA, Montesinos P, Rayón C, et al.: Risk-adapted treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia based on all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline with addition of cytarabine in consolidation therapy for high-risk patients: further improvements in treatment outcome. Blood 115 (25): 5137-46, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Adès L, Chevret S, Raffoux E, et al.: Is cytarabine useful in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia? Results of a randomized trial from the European Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Group. J Clin Oncol 24 (36): 5703-10, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Adès L, Sanz MA, Chevret S, et al.: Treatment of newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL): a comparison of French-Belgian-Swiss and PETHEMA results. Blood 111 (3): 1078-84, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Powell BL, Moser B, Stock W, et al.: Arsenic trioxide improves event-free and overall survival for adults with acute promyelocytic leukemia: North American Leukemia Intergroup Study C9710. Blood 116 (19): 3751-7, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lo-Coco F, Avvisati G, Vignetti M, et al.: Retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide for acute promyelocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 369 (2): 111-21, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Avvisati G, Lo-Coco F, Paoloni FP, et al.: AIDA 0493 protocol for newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia: very long-term results and role of maintenance. Blood 117 (18): 4716-25, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Powell BL, Moser BK, Stock W, et al.: Adding mercaptopurine and methotrexate to alternate week ATRA maintenance therapy does not improve the outcome for adults with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) in first remission: results from North American Leukemia Intergroup Trial C9710. [Abstract] Blood 118 (21): A-258, 2011. Also available online. Last accessed March 25, 2020.[PUBMED Abstract]
Shen ZX, Shi ZZ, Fang J, et al.: All-trans retinoic acid/As2O3 combination yields a high quality remission and survival in newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (15): 5328-35, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ravandi F, Estey E, Jones D, et al.: Effective treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with all-trans-retinoic acid, arsenic trioxide, and gemtuzumab ozogamicin. J Clin Oncol 27 (4): 504-10, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hu J, Liu YF, Wu CF, et al.: Long-term efficacy and safety of all-trans retinoic acid/arsenic trioxide-based therapy in newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (9): 3342-7, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Cheng Y, Zhang L, Wu J, et al.: Long-term prognosis of childhood acute promyelocytic leukaemia with arsenic trioxide administration in induction and consolidation chemotherapy phases: a single-centre experience. Eur J Haematol 91 (6): 483-9, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wang H, Chen XY, Wang BS, et al.: The efficacy and safety of arsenic trioxide with or without all-trans retinoic acid for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia: a meta-analysis. Leuk Res 35 (9): 1170-7, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zhang L, Zhao H, Zhu X, et al.: Retrospective analysis of 65 Chinese children with acute promyelocytic leukemia: a single center experience. Pediatr Blood Cancer 51 (2): 210-5, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Iland HJ, Collins M, Bradstock K, et al.: Use of arsenic trioxide in remission induction and consolidation therapy for acute promyelocytic leukaemia in the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) APML4 study: a non-randomised phase 2 trial. Lancet Haematol 2 (9): e357-66, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Platzbecker U, Avvisati G, Cicconi L, et al.: Improved Outcomes With Retinoic Acid and Arsenic Trioxide Compared With Retinoic Acid and Chemotherapy in Non-High-Risk Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: Final Results of the Randomized Italian-German APL0406 Trial. J Clin Oncol 35 (6): 605-612, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Douer D, Zickl LN, Schiffer CA, et al.: All-trans retinoic acid and late relapses in acute promyelocytic leukemia: very long-term follow-up of the North American Intergroup Study I0129. Leuk Res 37 (7): 795-801, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Coombs CC, DeAngelis LM, Feusner JH, et al.: Pseudotumor Cerebri in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Patients on Intergroup Protocol 0129: Clinical Description and Recommendations for New Diagnostic Criteria. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 16 (3): 146-51, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Grimwade D, Biondi A, Mozziconacci MJ, et al.: Characterization of acute promyelocytic leukemia cases lacking the classic t(15;17): results of the European Working Party. Groupe Français de Cytogénétique Hématologique, Groupe de Français d'Hematologie Cellulaire, UK Cancer Cytogenetics Group and BIOMED 1 European Community-Concerted Action "Molecular Cytogenetic Diagnosis in Haematological Malignancies". Blood 96 (4): 1297-308, 2000.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Wells RA, Hummel JL, De Koven A, et al.: A new variant translocation in acute promyelocytic leukaemia: molecular characterization and clinical correlation. Leukemia 10 (4): 735-40, 1996.[PUBMED Abstract]
Marjerrison S, Antillon F, Bonilla M, et al.: Outcome of children treated for relapsed acute myeloid leukemia in Central America. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61 (7): 1222-6, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Holter Chakrabarty JL, Rubinger M, Le-Rademacher J, et al.: Autologous is superior to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute promyelocytic leukemia in second complete remission. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 20 (7): 1021-5, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Shen ZX, Chen GQ, Ni JH, et al.: Use of arsenic trioxide (As2O3) in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL): II. Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics in relapsed patients. Blood 89 (9): 3354-60, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lu J, Huang X, Bao L, et al.: Treatment outcomes in relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia patients initially treated with all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic compound-based combined therapies. Oncol Lett 7 (1): 177-182, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zhu HH, Qin YZ, Huang XJ: Resistance to arsenic therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 370 (19): 1864-6, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
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Lo-Coco F, Cimino G, Breccia M, et al.: Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg) as a single agent for molecularly relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Blood 104 (7): 1995-9, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bourquin JP, Thornley I, Neuberg D, et al.: Favorable outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for relapsed or refractory acute promyelocytic leukemia in childhood. Bone Marrow Transplant 34 (9): 795-8, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
de Botton S, Fawaz A, Chevret S, et al.: Autologous and allogeneic stem-cell transplantation as salvage treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia initially treated with all-trans-retinoic acid: a retrospective analysis of the European acute promyelocytic leukemia group. J Clin Oncol 23 (1): 120-6, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Meloni G, Diverio D, Vignetti M, et al.: Autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute promyelocytic leukemia in second remission: prognostic relevance of pretransplant minimal residual disease assessment by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction of the PML/RAR alpha fusion gene. Blood 90 (3): 1321-5, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Thirugnanam R, George B, Chendamarai E, et al.: Comparison of clinical outcomes of patients with relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia induced with arsenic trioxide and consolidated with either an autologous stem cell transplant or an arsenic trioxide-based regimen. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 15 (11): 1479-84, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Abla O, Kutny MA, Testi AM, et al.: Management of relapsed and refractory childhood acute promyelocytic leukaemia: recommendations from an international expert panel. Br J Haematol 175 (4): 588-601, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis (TAM) or Children With Down Syndrome and AML
TAM Associated With Down Syndrome
In addition to increased risk of AML during the first 3 years of life, about 10% of neonates with Down syndrome develop a TAM (also termed transient myeloproliferative disorder [TMD]).[
] This disorder mimics congenital AML but typically improves spontaneously within the first 3 months of life (median, 49 days), although TAM has been reported to remit as late as 20 months.[
] The late remissions likely reflect a persistent hepatomegaly from TAM-associated hepatic fibrosis rather than active disease.[
Although TAM is usually a self-resolving condition, it can be associated with significant morbidity and may be fatal in 10% to 17% of affected infants.[
] Infants with progressive organomegaly, visceral effusions, preterm delivery (less than 37 weeks of gestation), bleeding diatheses, failure of spontaneous remission, laboratory evidence of progressive liver dysfunction (elevated direct bilirubin), renal failure, and very high white blood cell (WBC) count are at particularly high risk of early mortality.[
] Death has been reported to occur in 21% of these patients with high-risk TAM, although only 10% were attributable to TAM and the remaining deaths were caused by coexisting conditions known to be more prominent in neonates with Down syndrome.[
The following three risk groups have been identified on the basis of the diagnostic clinical findings of hepatomegaly with or without life-threatening symptoms:[
Therapeutic intervention is warranted in patients with apparent severe hydrops or organ failure. Because TAM eventually spontaneously remits, treatment is short in duration and primarily aimed at the reduction of leukemic burden and resolution of immediate symptoms. Several treatment approaches have been used, including the following:[
Subsequent development of myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome is seen in 10% to 30% of children who have a spontaneous remission of TAM and has been reported at a mean age of 16 months (range, 1–30 months).[
] While TAM is generally not characterized by cytogenetic abnormalities other than trisomy 21, the presence of additional cytogenetic findings may connote an increased risk of developing subsequent myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome.[
] An additional risk factor reported in two studies is the late resolution of TAM, measured by either time to complete resolution of signs of TAM (defined as resolution beyond the median, 47 days from diagnosis) or by persistence of minimal residual disease (MRD) in the peripheral blood at week 12 of follow-up.[
]; [
][Level of evidence: 2Di] The use of cytarabine for TAM symptoms or persistent MRD in TAM has failed to show a reduction in later myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome, as reported in large observational cohort studies.[
] In a prospective single-arm trial designed to assess whether cytarabine treatment for TAM could prevent the development of later myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome, no benefit was found when compared with historical controls (19% ± 4% vs. 22% ± 4%, respectively; P = .88).[
][Level of evidence: 2Di]
Myeloid Leukemia Associated With Down Syndrome
with Down syndrome have a tenfold to twentyfold increased risk of leukemia compared with children without Down syndrome; however, the ratio of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is typical for
childhood acute leukemia. The exception is during the first 3 years of life,
when AML, particularly the megakaryoblastic subtype, predominates and exhibits a distinctive biology characterized by GATA1 mutations and increased sensitivity to cytarabine.[
] Importantly, these risks appear to be similar whether a child has phenotypic characteristics of Down syndrome or whether a child has only genetic bone marrow mosaicism.[
Prognosis and Treatment of Children With Down Syndrome and AML
Outcome is generally favorable for children with Down syndrome who develop AML (called myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome in the World Health Organization classification).[
Prognostic factors for children with Down syndrome and AML include the following:
Approximately 29% to 47% of Down syndrome patients present with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) (<20% blasts) but their outcomes are similar to those with AML.[
Treatment options for newly diagnosed children with Down syndrome and AML include the following:
Appropriate therapy for younger children (aged ≤4 years) with Down syndrome and AML is less intensive than current standard childhood AML therapy. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant is not indicated in first remission.[
Evidence (chemotherapy):
In a Children's Oncology Group (COG) trial for newly diagnosed children with Down syndrome and AML (AAML0431 [NCT00369317]), 204 children were enrolled on a regimen that substituted high-dose cytarabine for the second of four induction cycles (thereby reducing cumulative anthracycline exposure from 320 mg to 240 mg), moving this cycle from intensification where it was used in the previous COG A2971 (NCT00003593) trial.[
] Intrathecal doses were reduced from seven to two total injections and intensification included two cycles of cytarabine/etoposide.
In a joint trial (ML-DS 2006) from the BFM, Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG), and Nordic Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (NOPHO), 170 children with Down syndrome were enrolled in a trial that focused on reducing therapy by eliminating etoposide during consolidation, reducing the number of intrathecal doses from 11 to 4, and the elimination of maintenance from the reduced therapy Down syndrome arm of AML-BFM 98.[
] As in the COG trials, no patient had CNS disease at diagnosis.
The following two prognostic factors were identified:[
Children with mosaicism for trisomy 21 are treated similarly to those children with clinically evident Down syndrome.[
] Although an optimal treatment for these children has not been defined, they are usually treated on AML regimens designed for children without Down syndrome.
Treatment options under clinical evaluation
Information about National Cancer Institute (NCI)–supported clinical trials can be found on the NCI website. For information about clinical trials sponsored by other organizations, refer to the website.
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
COG AAML1531 (NCT02521493) (Response-Based Chemotherapy in Treating Newly Diagnosed AML or Myelodysplastic Syndrome in Younger Patients With Down Syndrome): This is a phase III, single-arm trial for newly diagnosed children with Down syndrome–associated AML which uses response to induction therapy to stratify patients to less intensive therapy if they have no MRD and more intensive therapy if they do have MRD at the end of induction cycle one.
Refractory Disease or Relapse in Children With Down Syndrome
A small number of publications address outcomes in children with Down syndrome who relapse after initial therapy or who have refractory AML. All of these retrospective analyses with varying approaches to therapy found that for these children who relapse or have refractory outcomes, the outlook is poor. Thus, these children are treated similarly to children without Down syndrome, with an intensive reinduction chemotherapy regimen, and if a remission is achieved, therapy is followed by an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).
Treatment options for children with Down syndrome with refractory or relapsed AML include the following:
Chemotherapy, which may be followed by an allogeneic HSCT.
Evidence (treatment of children with Down syndrome with refractory or relapsed AML):
The Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group reported the outcomes of 29 Down syndrome patients with relapsed (n = 26) or refractory (n = 3) AML. As expected with Down syndrome, the children in this cohort were very young (median age, 2 years); relapses were almost all early (median, 8.6 months; 80% <12 months from diagnosis); and 89% had M7 French-American-British classification.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiA]
A Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research study of children with Down syndrome and AML who underwent HSCT reported a similarly poor outcome, with a 3-year OS of 19%.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiA] The main cause of failure after transplant was relapse, which exceeded 60%; transplant-related mortality was approximately 20%.
A Japanese registry study reported better survival after transplant of children with Down Syndrome using reduced-intensity conditioning regimens compared with myeloablative approaches, but the number of patients was very small (n = 5) and the efficacy of reduced-intensity approaches in children with Down syndrome and AML requires further study.[
][Level of evidence 3iDi]
Gamis AS, Smith FO: Transient myeloproliferative disorder in children with Down syndrome: clarity to this enigmatic disorder. Br J Haematol 159 (3): 277-87, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Homans AC, Verissimo AM, Vlacha V: Transient abnormal myelopoiesis of infancy associated with trisomy 21. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 15 (4): 392-9, 1993.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS, Alonzo TA, Gerbing RB, et al.: Natural history of transient myeloproliferative disorder clinically diagnosed in Down syndrome neonates: a report from the Children's Oncology Group Study A2971. Blood 118 (26): 6752-9; quiz 6996, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Massey GV, Zipursky A, Chang MN, et al.: A prospective study of the natural history of transient leukemia (TL) in neonates with Down syndrome (DS): Children's Oncology Group (COG) study POG-9481. Blood 107 (12): 4606-13, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Muramatsu H, Kato K, Watanabe N, et al.: Risk factors for early death in neonates with Down syndrome and transient leukaemia. Br J Haematol 142 (4): 610-5, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Klusmann JH, Creutzig U, Zimmermann M, et al.: Treatment and prognostic impact of transient leukemia in neonates with Down syndrome. Blood 111 (6): 2991-8, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Al-Kasim F, Doyle JJ, Massey GV, et al.: Incidence and treatment of potentially lethal diseases in transient leukemia of Down syndrome: Pediatric Oncology Group Study. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 24 (1): 9-13, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Flasinski M, Scheibke K, Zimmermann M, et al.: Low-dose cytarabine to prevent myeloid leukemia in children with Down syndrome: TMD Prevention 2007 study. Blood Adv 2 (13): 1532-1540, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ravindranath Y, Abella E, Krischer JP, et al.: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in Down's syndrome is highly responsive to chemotherapy: experience on Pediatric Oncology Group AML Study 8498. Blood 80 (9): 2210-4, 1992.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ravindranath Y: Down syndrome and leukemia: new insights into the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 1-7, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ross JA, Spector LG, Robison LL, et al.: Epidemiology of leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 8-12, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS: Acute myeloid leukemia and Down syndrome evolution of modern therapy--state of the art review. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 13-20, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bassal M, La MK, Whitlock JA, et al.: Lymphoblast biology and outcome among children with Down syndrome and ALL treated on CCG-1952. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 21-8, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Massey GV: Transient leukemia in newborns with Down syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 29-32, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Taub JW, Ge Y: Down syndrome, drug metabolism and chromosome 21. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 33-9, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Crispino JD: GATA1 mutations in Down syndrome: implications for biology and diagnosis of children with transient myeloproliferative disorder and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 40-4, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Jubinsky PT: Megakaryopoiesis and thrombocytosis. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (1): 45-6, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ge Y, Stout ML, Tatman DA, et al.: GATA1, cytidine deaminase, and the high cure rate of Down syndrome children with acute megakaryocytic leukemia. J Natl Cancer Inst 97 (3): 226-31, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kudo K, Hama A, Kojima S, et al.: Mosaic Down syndrome-associated acute myeloid leukemia does not require high-dose cytarabine treatment for induction and consolidation therapy. Int J Hematol 91 (4): 630-5, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lange BJ, Kobrinsky N, Barnard DR, et al.: Distinctive demography, biology, and outcome of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome in children with Down syndrome: Children's Cancer Group Studies 2861 and 2891. Blood 91 (2): 608-15, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sorrell AD, Alonzo TA, Hilden JM, et al.: Favorable survival maintained in children who have myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome using reduced-dose chemotherapy on Children's Oncology Group trial A2971: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Cancer 118 (19): 4806-14, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Taub JW, Berman JN, Hitzler JK, et al.: Improved outcomes for myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome: a report from the Children's Oncology Group AAML0431 trial. Blood 129 (25): 3304-3313, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Reinhardt D, Diekamp S, et al.: AML patients with Down syndrome have a high cure rate with AML-BFM therapy with reduced dose intensity. Leukemia 19 (8): 1355-60, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Uffmann M, Rasche M, Zimmermann M, et al.: Therapy reduction in patients with Down syndrome and myeloid leukemia: the international ML-DS 2006 trial. Blood 129 (25): 3314-3321, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gamis AS, Woods WG, Alonzo TA, et al.: Increased age at diagnosis has a significantly negative effect on outcome in children with Down syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Cancer Group Study 2891. J Clin Oncol 21 (18): 3415-22, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Blink M, Zimmermann M, von Neuhoff C, et al.: Normal karyotype is a poor prognostic factor in myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome: a retrospective, international study. Haematologica 99 (2): 299-307, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Craze JL, Harrison G, Wheatley K, et al.: Improved outcome of acute myeloid leukaemia in Down's syndrome. Arch Dis Child 81 (1): 32-7, 1999.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zeller B, Gustafsson G, Forestier E, et al.: Acute leukaemia in children with Down syndrome: a population-based Nordic study. Br J Haematol 128 (6): 797-804, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Taga T, Shimomura Y, Horikoshi Y, et al.: Continuous and high-dose cytarabine combined chemotherapy in children with down syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia: Report from the Japanese children's cancer and leukemia study group (JCCLSG) AML 9805 down study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 57 (1): 36-40, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Taga T, Saito AM, Kudo K, et al.: Clinical characteristics and outcome of refractory/relapsed myeloid leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Blood 120 (9): 1810-5, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hitzler JK, He W, Doyle J, et al.: Outcome of transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 19 (6): 893-7, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Muramatsu H, Sakaguchi H, Taga T, et al.: Reduced intensity conditioning in allogeneic stem cell transplantation for AML with Down syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61 (5): 925-7, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
The myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and myeloproliferative syndromes (MPS) represent between 5% and 10% of all myeloid malignancies in children. They are a heterogeneous group of disorders, with MDS usually presenting with cytopenias and MPS presenting with increased peripheral white blood cell, red blood cell, or platelet counts. MDS is characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis and increased cell death, while MPS is associated with increased progenitor proliferation and survival. Because they both represent disorders of very primitive, multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, curative therapeutic approaches nearly always require allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Risk Factors
Patients with the following germline mutations or inherited disorders have a significantly increased risk of developing MDS:
A retrospective analysis that used a capture assay to target mutations known to predispose to marrow failure and MDS was performed on genomic DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from patients undergoing stem cell transplant for MDS and aplastic anemia. Among the 46 children aged 18 years and younger with MDS, 10 patients (22%) harbored constitutional predisposition genetic mutations (5 GATA2, 1 each of MPL, RTEL1, SBDS, TINF2, and TP53), of which only 2 were suspected before transplant. This is considered a high incidence of genetic mutations compared with only 8% (4 of 64) in patients aged 18 to 40 years.[
Clinical Presentation
Patients usually present with signs of cytopenias, including pallor, infection, or bruising.
The bone marrow is usually characterized by hypercellularity and dysplastic changes in myeloid precursors. Clonal evolution can eventually lead to the development of AML. The percentage of abnormal blasts is less than 20% and lack common AML recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities (t(8;21), inv(16), t(15;17), or KMT2A [MLL] translocations).
The less common hypocellular MDS can be distinguished from aplastic anemia in part by its marked dysplasia, clonal nature, and higher percentage of CD34-positive precursors.[
Molecular Abnormalities
Pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are associated with a distinctive constellation of genetic alterations compared with MDS arising in adults. In adults, MDS often evolves from clonal hematopoiesis and is characterized by mutations in TET2, DNMT3A, and TP53. In contrast, mutations in these genes are rare in pediatric MDS, while mutations in GATA2, SAMD9/SAMD9L, SETBP1, ASXL1, and Ras/MAPK pathway genes are observed in subsets of pediatric MDS cases.[
A report of the genomic landscape of pediatric MDS described the results of whole-exome sequencing for 32 pediatric primary MDS patients and targeted sequencing for another 14 cases.[
] These 46 cases were equally divided between refractory cytopenia of childhood and MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB). The results from the report include the following:
A second report described the application of a targeted sequencing panel of 105 genes to 50 pediatric patients with MDS (refractory cytopenia of childhood = 31 and MDS-EB = 19) and was enriched for cases with monosomy 7 (48%).[
] SAMD9 and SAMD9L were not included in the gene panel. The second report described the following results:
Patients with germline GATA2 mutations, in addition to MDS, show a wide range of hematopoietic and immune defects as well as nonhematopoietic manifestations.[
] The former defects include monocytopenia with susceptibility to atypical mycobacterial infection and DCML deficiency (loss of dendritic cells, monocytes, and B and natural killer lymphoid cells). The resulting immunodeficiency leads to increased susceptibility to warts, severe viral infections, mycobacterial infections, fungal infections, and human papillomavirus–related cancers. The nonhematopoietic manifestations include deafness and lymphedema. Germline GATA2 mutations were studied in 426 pediatric patients with primary MDS and 82 cases with secondary MDS who were enrolled in consecutive studies of the European Working Group of MDS in Childhood (EWOG-MDS).[
] The study had the following results:
SAMD9 and SAMD9L germline mutations are both associated with pediatric MDS cases in which there is an additional loss of all or part of chromosome 7.[
] In 2016, SAMD9 was identified as the cause of the MIRAGE syndrome (myelodysplasia, infection, restriction of growth, adrenal hypoplasia, genital phenotypes, and enteropathy), which is associated with early-onset MDS with monosomy 7.[
] Subsequently, mutations in SAMD9L were identified in patients with ataxia pancytopenia syndrome (ATXPC; OMIM 159550). SAMD9 and SAMD9L mutations were also identified as the cause of myelodysplasia and leukemia syndrome with monosomy 7 (MLSM7; OMIM 252270),[
] a syndrome first identified in phenotypically normal siblings who developed MDS or AML associated with monosomy 7 during childhood.[
The French-American-British (FAB) and World Health Organization (WHO) classification systems of MDS and MPS have been difficult to apply to pediatric patients. Alternative classification systems for children have been proposed, but none have been uniformly adopted, with the exception of the modified 2008 WHO classification system.[
] The WHO system [
] has been modified for pediatrics.[
] Refer to Table 3 and Table 4 for the WHO classification schema and diagnostic criteria. The 2016 revision to the WHO MDS classification did not affect classification in children.[
The refractory cytopenia subtype represents approximately 50% of all childhood cases of MDS. The presence of an isolated monosomy 7 is the most common cytogenetic abnormality, although it does not appear to portend a poor prognosis compared with its presence in overt AML. However, the presence of monosomy 7 in combination with other cytogenetic abnormalities is associated with a poor prognosis.[
] The relatively common abnormalities of -Y, 20q-, and 5q- in adults with MDS are rare in childhood MDS. The presence of cytogenetic abnormalities that are found in AML defines disease that should be treated as AML and not MDS.[
The International Prognostic Scoring System can help to distinguish low-risk from high-risk MDS, although its utility in children with MDS is more limited than in adults because many characteristics differ between children and adults.[
] The median survival for children with high-risk MDS remains substantially better than adults, and the presence of monosomy 7 in children has not had the same adverse prognostic impact as does the presence in adults with MDS.[
Treatment of Childhood MDS
Treatment options for children with MDS include the following:
MDS and associated disorders usually involve a primitive hematopoietic stem cell. Thus, allogeneic HSCT is considered to be the optimal approach to treatment for pediatric patients with MDS. Although matched sibling transplantation is preferred, similar survival has been noted with well-matched, unrelated cord blood and haploidentical approaches.[
When making treatment decisions, some data should be considered. For example, survival as high as 80% has been reported for patients with early-stage MDS proceeding to transplant within a few months of diagnosis. Additionally, early transplant and not receiving pretransplant chemotherapy have been associated with improved survival in children with MDS.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiA] Disease-free survival (DFS) has been estimated to be between 50% to 70% for pediatric patients with advanced MDS using myeloablative transplant preparative regimens.[
] While nonmyeloablative preparative transplant regimens are being tested in patients with MDS and AML, such regimens are still investigational for children with these disorders, but may be reasonable in the setting of a clinical trial or when a patient’s organ function is compromised in such a way that they would not tolerate a myeloablative regimen.[
]; [
][Level of evidence: 3iiiA]
The question of whether chemotherapy should be used in high-risk MDS has been examined.
Evidence (HSCT):
An analysis of 37 children with MDS treated on Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster AML protocols 83, 87, and 93 confirmed the induction response of 74% for patients with refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation and suggested that transplantation was beneficial.[
Another study by the same group showed that with current approaches to HSCT, survival occurred in more than 60% of children with advanced MDS, and outcomes for patients receiving unrelated donor cells were similar to those for patients who received matched-family donor (MFD) cells.[
The Children's Cancer Group 2891 trial accrued patients between 1989 and 1995, including children with
] There were 77 patients with refractory anemia (n = 2), refractory anemia with excess blasts (n = 33),
refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation (n = 26), or AML with antecedent MDS (n = 16) who were enrolled and randomly assigned
to standard or intensively timed induction. Subsequently, patients were allocated to
allogeneic HSCT if there was a suitable family donor, or
randomly assigned to either autologous HSCT or chemotherapy.
When analyzing these results, it is important to consider that the subtype refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation is likely to represent patients with overt AML, while refractory anemia and refractory anemia with excess blasts represents MDS. The WHO classification has now omitted the category of refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation, concluding that this entity was essentially AML.
Because survival after HSCT is improved in children with early forms of MDS (refractory anemia), transplantation before progression to late MDS or AML should be considered. HSCT should especially be considered when transfusions or other treatment are required, as is usually the case in patients with severe symptomatic cytopenias.[
] The 8-year disease-free survival (DFS) for children with various stages of MDS has been reported to be 65% for those treated with HLA matched donor transplants and 40% for those treated with mismatched unrelated donor transplants.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiiDii] A 3-year DFS of 50% was reported with the use of unrelated cord blood donor transplants for children with MDS, when the transplants were done after the year 2001.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiiDiii]
Because MDS in children is often associated with inherited predisposition syndromes, reports of transplantation in small numbers of patients with these disorders have been documented. For example, in patients with Fanconi anemia and AML or advanced MDS, the 5-year overall survival (OS) has been reported to be 33% to 55%.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiiA] Second transplants have also been used in pediatric patients with MDS/MPD who relapse or suffer graft failure. The 3-year OS was 33% for those retransplanted after relapse and 57% for those transplanted after initial graft failure.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiiA]
For patients with clinically significant cytopenias, supportive care that includes transfusions and prophylactic antibiotics are considered standard of care. The use of hematopoietic growth factors can improve the hematopoietic status, but concerns remain that such treatment could accelerate conversion to AML.[
Other therapies
Other supportive therapies that have been studied include the following:
Treatment Options Under Clinical Evaluation
The use of a variety of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylase inhibitors, as well as other therapies designed to induce differentiation, are being studied in both young and older adults with MDS.[
Information about National Cancer Institute (NCI)–supported clinical trials can be found on the NCI website. For information about clinical trials sponsored by other organizations, refer to the website.
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Alter BP, Giri N, Savage SA, et al.: Malignancies and survival patterns in the National Cancer Institute inherited bone marrow failure syndromes cohort study. Br J Haematol 150 (2): 179-88, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Rosenberg PS, Huang Y, Alter BP: Individualized risks of first adverse events in patients with Fanconi anemia. Blood 104 (2): 350-5, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ludwig LS, Gazda HT, Eng JC, et al.: Altered translation of GATA1 in Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Nat Med 20 (7): 748-53, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Rosenberg PS, Zeidler C, Bolyard AA, et al.: Stable long-term risk of leukaemia in patients with severe congenital neutropenia maintained on G-CSF therapy. Br J Haematol 150 (2): 196-9, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wechsler J, Greene M, McDevitt MA, et al.: Acquired mutations in GATA1 in the megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome. Nat Genet 32 (1): 148-52, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Liew E, Owen C: Familial myelodysplastic syndromes: a review of the literature. Haematologica 96 (10): 1536-42, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Auer PL, Teumer A, Schick U, et al.: Rare and low-frequency coding variants in CXCR2 and other genes are associated with hematological traits. Nat Genet 46 (6): 629-34, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Vinh DC, Patel SY, Uzel G, et al.: Autosomal dominant and sporadic monocytopenia with susceptibility to mycobacteria, fungi, papillomaviruses, and myelodysplasia. Blood 115 (8): 1519-29, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Keel SB, Scott A, Sanchez-Bonilla M, et al.: Genetic features of myelodysplastic syndrome and aplastic anemia in pediatric and young adult patients. Haematologica 101 (11): 1343-1350, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kasahara S, Hara T, Itoh H, et al.: Hypoplastic myelodysplastic syndromes can be distinguished from acquired aplastic anaemia by bone marrow stem cell expression of the tumour necrosis factor receptor. Br J Haematol 118 (1): 181-8, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Orazi A: Histopathology in the diagnosis and classification of acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases. Pathobiology 74 (2): 97-114, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Schwartz JR, Ma J, Lamprecht T, et al.: The genomic landscape of pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes. Nat Commun 8 (1): 1557, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Pastor V, Hirabayashi S, Karow A, et al.: Mutational landscape in children with myelodysplastic syndromes is distinct from adults: specific somatic drivers and novel germline variants. Leukemia 31 (3): 759-762, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Collin M, Dickinson R, Bigley V: Haematopoietic and immune defects associated with GATA2 mutation. Br J Haematol 169 (2): 173-87, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wlodarski MW, Hirabayashi S, Pastor V, et al.: Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and prognosis of GATA2-related myelodysplastic syndromes in children and adolescents. Blood 127 (11): 1387-97; quiz 1518, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wlodarski MW, Collin M, Horwitz MS: GATA2 deficiency and related myeloid neoplasms. Semin Hematol 54 (2): 81-86, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Davidsson J, Puschmann A, Tedgård U, et al.: SAMD9 and SAMD9L in inherited predisposition to ataxia, pancytopenia, and myeloid malignancies. Leukemia 32 (5): 1106-1115, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Narumi S, Amano N, Ishii T, et al.: SAMD9 mutations cause a novel multisystem disorder, MIRAGE syndrome, and are associated with loss of chromosome 7. Nat Genet 48 (7): 792-7, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Chen DH, Below JE, Shimamura A, et al.: Ataxia-Pancytopenia Syndrome Is Caused by Missense Mutations in SAMD9L. Am J Hum Genet 98 (6): 1146-1158, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wong JC, Bryant V, Lamprecht T, et al.: Germline SAMD9 and SAMD9L mutations are associated with extensive genetic evolution and diverse hematologic outcomes. JCI Insight 3 (14): , 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Occhipinti E, Correa H, Yu L, et al.: Comparison of two new classifications for pediatric myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44 (3): 240-4, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Niemeyer CM, Baumann I: Myelodysplastic syndrome in children and adolescents. Semin Hematol 45 (1): 60-70, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Niemeyer CM, Kratz CP: Paediatric myelodysplastic syndromes and juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia: molecular classification and treatment options. Br J Haematol 140 (6): 610-24, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hasle H: Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders in children. Curr Opin Pediatr 19 (1): 1-8, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mandel K, Dror Y, Poon A, et al.: A practical, comprehensive classification for pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes: the CCC system. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 24 (7): 596-605, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Nösslinger T, Reisner R, Koller E, et al.: Myelodysplastic syndromes, from French-American-British to World Health Organization: comparison of classifications on 431 unselected patients from a single institution. Blood 98 (10): 2935-41, 2001.[PUBMED Abstract]
Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian R, et al.: The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood 127 (20): 2391-405, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Göhring G, Michalova K, Beverloo HB, et al.: Complex karyotype newly defined: the strongest prognostic factor in advanced childhood myelodysplastic syndrome. Blood 116 (19): 3766-9, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Haase D, Germing U, Schanz J, et al.: New insights into the prognostic impact of the karyotype in MDS and correlation with subtypes: evidence from a core dataset of 2124 patients. Blood 110 (13): 4385-95, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Arber DA, Vardiman JW, Brunning RD: Acute myeloid leukaemia with recurrent genetic abnormalities. In: Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, et al., eds.: WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. 4th ed. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2008, pp 110-23.[PUBMED Abstract]
Cutler CS, Lee SJ, Greenberg P, et al.: A decision analysis of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for the myelodysplastic syndromes: delayed transplantation for low-risk myelodysplasia is associated with improved outcome. Blood 104 (2): 579-85, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hasle H, Baumann I, Bergsträsser E, et al.: The International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) for childhood myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML). Leukemia 18 (12): 2008-14, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hasle H, Niemeyer CM: Advances in the prognostication and management of advanced MDS in children. Br J Haematol 154 (2): 185-95, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Uberti JP, Agovi MA, Tarima S, et al.: Comparative analysis of BU and CY versus CY and TBI in full intensity unrelated marrow donor transplantation for AML, CML and myelodysplasia. Bone Marrow Transplant 46 (1): 34-43, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Nemecek ER, Guthrie KA, Sorror ML, et al.: Conditioning with treosulfan and fludarabine followed by allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for high-risk hematologic malignancies. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 17 (3): 341-50, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Shaw PJ, Kan F, Woo Ahn K, et al.: Outcomes of pediatric bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and myelodysplasia using matched sibling, mismatched related, or matched unrelated donors. Blood 116 (19): 4007-15, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Parikh SH, Mendizabal A, Martin PL, et al.: Unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplantation in pediatric myelodysplastic syndrome: a single-center experience. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 15 (8): 948-55, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Locatelli F, Merli P, Pagliara D, et al.: Outcome of children with acute leukemia given HLA-haploidentical HSCT after αβ T-cell and B-cell depletion. Blood 130 (5): 677-685, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Smith AR, Christiansen EC, Wagner JE, et al.: Early hematopoietic stem cell transplant is associated with favorable outcomes in children with MDS. Pediatr Blood Cancer 60 (4): 705-10, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Woods WG, Barnard DR, Alonzo TA, et al.: Prospective study of 90 children requiring treatment for juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome: a report from the Children's Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol 20 (2): 434-40, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Andolina JR, Kletzel M, Tse WT, et al.: Allogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplantation in pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes: improved outcomes for de novo disease. Pediatr Transplant 15 (3): 334-43, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Al-Seraihy A, Ayas M, Al-Nounou R, et al.: Outcome of allogeneic stem cell transplantation with a conditioning regimen of busulfan, cyclophosphamide and low-dose etoposide for children with myelodysplastic syndrome. Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther 4 (3): 121-5, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Woodard P, Carpenter PA, Davies SM, et al.: Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome in children. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 17 (5): 723-8, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Nelson RP, Yu M, Schwartz JE, et al.: Long-term disease-free survival after nonmyeloablative cyclophosphamide/fludarabine conditioning and related/unrelated allotransplantation for acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplasia. Bone Marrow Transplant 45 (8): 1300-8, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Pulsipher MA, Boucher KM, Wall D, et al.: Reduced-intensity allogeneic transplantation in pediatric patients ineligible for myeloablative therapy: results of the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium Study ONC0313. Blood 114 (7): 1429-36, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gao L, Gao L, Gong Y, et al.: Reduced-intensity conditioning therapy with fludarabine, idarubicin, busulfan and cytarabine for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Leuk Res 37 (11): 1482-7, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Bender-Götze C, Ritter J, et al.: The role of intensive AML-specific therapy in treatment of children with RAEB and RAEB-t. Leukemia 12 (5): 652-9, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]
Strahm B, Nöllke P, Zecca M, et al.: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for advanced myelodysplastic syndrome in children: results of the EWOG-MDS 98 study. Leukemia 25 (3): 455-62, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Madureira AB, Eapen M, Locatelli F, et al.: Analysis of risk factors influencing outcome in children with myelodysplastic syndrome after unrelated cord blood transplantation. Leukemia 25 (3): 449-54, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mitchell R, Wagner JE, Hirsch B, et al.: Haematopoietic cell transplantation for acute leukaemia and advanced myelodysplastic syndrome in Fanconi anaemia. Br J Haematol 164 (3): 384-95, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ayas M, Saber W, Davies SM, et al.: Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for fanconi anemia in patients with pretransplantation cytogenetic abnormalities, myelodysplastic syndrome, or acute leukemia. J Clin Oncol 31 (13): 1669-76, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kato M, Yoshida N, Inagaki J, et al.: Salvage allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with pediatric myelodysplastic syndrome and myeloproliferative neoplasms. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61 (10): 1860-6, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zwierzina H, Suciu S, Loeffler-Ragg J, et al.: Low-dose cytosine arabinoside (LD-AraC) vs LD-AraC plus granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor vs LD-AraC plus Interleukin-3 for myelodysplastic syndrome patients with a high risk of developing acute leukemia: final results of a randomized phase III study (06903) of the EORTC Leukemia Cooperative Group. Leukemia 19 (11): 1929-33, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Chan G, DiVenuti G, Miller K: Danazol for the treatment of thrombocytopenia in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. Am J Hematol 71 (3): 166-71, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mathew P, Gerbing R, Alonzo TA, et al.: A phase II study of amifostine in children with myelodysplastic syndrome: a report from the Children's Oncology Group study (AAML0121). Pediatr Blood Cancer 57 (7): 1230-2, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Schanz J, Jung H, Wörmann B, et al.: Amifostine has the potential to induce haematologic responses and decelerate disease progression in individual patients with low- and intermediate-1-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Leuk Res 33 (9): 1183-8, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sadek I, Zayed E, Hayne O, et al.: Prolonged complete remission of myelodysplastic syndrome treated with danazol, retinoic acid and low-dose prednisone. Am J Hematol 64 (4): 306-10, 2000.[PUBMED Abstract]
Silverman LR, Demakos EP, Peterson BL, et al.: Randomized controlled trial of azacitidine in patients with the myelodysplastic syndrome: a study of the cancer and leukemia group B. J Clin Oncol 20 (10): 2429-40, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yazji S, Giles FJ, Tsimberidou AM, et al.: Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)-based therapy in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia 17 (11): 2101-6, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yoshimi A, Baumann I, Führer M, et al.: Immunosuppressive therapy with anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine A in selected children with hypoplastic refractory cytopenia. Haematologica 92 (3): 397-400, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mufti G, List AF, Gore SD, et al.: Myelodysplastic syndrome. Hematology (Am Soc Hematol Educ Program) : 176-99, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Esteller M: DNA methylation and cancer therapy: new developments and expectations. Curr Opin Oncol 17 (1): 55-60, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bhalla K, List A: Histone deacetylase inhibitors in myelodysplastic syndrome. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol 17 (4): 595-611, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Therapy-Related AML/Myelodysplastic Syndromes
The development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) after treatment with ionizing radiation or chemotherapy, particularly alkylating agents and topoisomerase inhibitors, is termed therapy-related AML (t-AML) or therapy-related MDS (t-MDS). In addition to genotoxic exposures, genetic predisposition susceptibilities (such as polymorphisms in drug detoxification and DNA repair pathway components) may contribute to the occurrence of secondary AML/MDS.[
The risk of t-AML/t-MDS is regimen-dependent and often related to the cumulative doses of chemotherapy agents received and the dose and field of radiation administered.[
] Regimens previously used that employed high cumulative doses of either epipodophyllotoxins (e.g., etoposide or teniposide) or alkylating agents (e.g., mechlorethamine, melphalan, busulfan, and cyclophosphamide) induced excessively high rates of t-AML/t-MDS that exceeded 10% in some cases.[
] However, most current chemotherapy regimens that are used to treat childhood cancers have a cumulative incidence of t-AML/t-MDS no greater than 1% to 2%.
t-AML/t-MDS resulting from epipodophyllotoxins and other topoisomerase II inhibitors (e.g., anthracyclines) usually occur within 2 years of exposure and are commonly associated with chromosome 11q23 abnormalities,[
] although other subtypes of AML (e.g., acute promyelocytic leukemia) have been reported.[
] t-AML that occurs after exposure to alkylating agents or ionizing radiation often presents 5 to 7 years later and is commonly associated with monosomies or deletions of chromosomes 5 and 7.[
Treatment of Therapy-Related AML/MDS
Treatment options for therapy-related AML/MDS include the following:
The goal of treatment is to achieve an initial complete remission (CR) using AML-directed regimens and then, usually, to proceed directly to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) with the best available donor. However, treatment is challenging because of the following:[
Increased rates of adverse cytogenetics and subsequent failure to obtain remission with chemotherapy.
Comorbidities or limitations related to chemotherapy for the previous malignancy.
Accordingly, CR rates and overall survival (OS) rates are usually lower for patients with t-AML compared with patients with de novo AML.[
] Also, survival for pediatric patients with t-MDS is worse than survival for pediatric patients with MDS not related to previous therapy.[
Patients with t-MDS-refractory anemia usually have not needed induction chemotherapy before transplant; the role of induction therapy before transplant is controversial in patients with refractory anemia with excess blasts-1.
Only a few reports describe the outcome of children undergoing HSCT for t-AML.
Evidence (HSCT for t-AML/t-MDS):
One study described the outcomes of 27 children with t-AML who received related and unrelated donor HSCT.[
Another study reported a second retrospective single-center experience of 14 patients with t-AML/t-MDS who were transplanted between 1975 and 2007.[
A multicenter study (CCG-2891) examined outcomes of 24 children with t-AML/t-MDS compared with other children enrolled on the study with de novo AML (n = 898) or MDS (n = 62). Children with t-AML/t-MDS were older and low-risk cytogenetics rarely occurred.[
The importance of remission to survival in these patients is further illustrated by another single-center report of 21 children who underwent HSCT for t-AML/t-MDS between 1994 and 2009. Of the 21 children, 12 had t-AML (11 in CR at the time of transplant), seven had refractory anemia (for whom induction was not done), and two had refractory anemia with excess blasts.[
Because t-AML is rare in children, it is not known whether the significant decrease in transplant-related mortality after unrelated donor HSCT noted over the past several years will translate to improved survival in this population. Patients should be carefully assessed for pre-HSCT morbidities caused by earlier therapies, and treatment approaches should be adapted to give adequate intensity while minimizing transplant-related mortality.
Bolufer P, Collado M, Barragan E, et al.: Profile of polymorphisms of drug-metabolising enzymes and the risk of therapy-related leukaemia. Br J Haematol 136 (4): 590-6, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ezoe S: Secondary leukemia associated with the anti-cancer agent, etoposide, a topoisomerase II inhibitor. Int J Environ Res Public Health 9 (7): 2444-53, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ding Y, Sun CL, Li L, et al.: Genetic susceptibility to therapy-related leukemia after Hodgkin lymphoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma: role of drug metabolism, apoptosis and DNA repair. Blood Cancer J 2 (3): e58, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Leone G, Mele L, Pulsoni A, et al.: The incidence of secondary leukemias. Haematologica 84 (10): 937-45, 1999.[PUBMED Abstract]
Pui CH, Ribeiro RC, Hancock ML, et al.: Acute myeloid leukemia in children treated with epipodophyllotoxins for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. N Engl J Med 325 (24): 1682-7, 1991.[PUBMED Abstract]
Andersen MK, Johansson B, Larsen SO, et al.: Chromosomal abnormalities in secondary MDS and AML. Relationship to drugs and radiation with specific emphasis on the balanced rearrangements. Haematologica 83 (6): 483-8, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ogami A, Morimoto A, Hibi S, et al.: Secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia following chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a child. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 26 (7): 427-30, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Okamoto T, Okada M, Wakae T, et al.: Secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia in a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with VP-16 and MST-16. Int J Hematol 75 (1): 107-8, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Larson RA: Etiology and management of therapy-related myeloid leukemia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program : 453-9, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Aguilera DG, Vaklavas C, Tsimberidou AM, et al.: Pediatric therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia: the MD Anderson Cancer Center experience. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 31 (11): 803-11, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yokoyama H, Mori S, Kobayashi Y, et al.: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome and acute leukemia: a single-center analysis of 47 patients. Int J Hematol 92 (2): 334-41, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Xavier AC, Kutny M, Costa LJ: Incidence and outcomes of paediatric myelodysplastic syndrome in the United States. Br J Haematol 180 (6): 898-901, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Woodard P, Barfield R, Hale G, et al.: Outcome of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for pediatric patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer 47 (7): 931-5, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Barnard DR, Lange B, Alonzo TA, et al.: Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome in children treated for cancer: comparison with primary presentation. Blood 100 (2): 427-34, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kobos R, Steinherz PG, Kernan NA, et al.: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for pediatric patients with treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myelogenous leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 18 (3): 473-80, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a rare
leukemia that occurs approximately ten times less frequently than acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in children, with an annual incidence of about 1 to 2 cases per 1 million people.[
typically presents in young children (median age, approximately 1.8 years) and
occurs more commonly in boys (male to female ratio, approximately 2.5:1).
Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Criteria
Common clinical features at diagnosis include the following:[
In children presenting with clinical features suggestive of JMML, current criteria used for a definitive diagnosis are described in Table 8.[
Table 8. Diagnostic Criteria for Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) Per the 2016 Revision to World Health Organization Classification
Category 1 (All are Required)
Category 2 (One is Sufficient)
Category 3 (Patients Without Genetic Features Must Have the Following in Addition to Category 1
Clinical and Hematologic Features
Genetic Studies
Other Features
GM-CSF = granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; NF1 = neurofibromatosis type 1.
aPatients who are found to have a category 2 lesion need to meet the criteria in category 1 but do not need to meet the category 3 criteria. Patients who are not found to have a category 2 lesion must meet the category 1 and 3 criteria.
bNote that only 7% of patients with JMML will NOT present with splenomegaly, but virtually all patients develop splenomegaly within several weeks to months of initial presentation.
Absence of the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene
Somatic mutation in KRAS, NRAS, or PTPN11
(germline mutations need to be excluded)
Monosomy 7 or other chromosomal abnormality, or at least 2 of the criteria listed below:
>1 × 109/L circulating monocytes
Clinical diagnosis of NF1 or NF1 gene mutation
— Circulating myeloid or erythroid precursors
<20% blasts in the peripheral blood and bone marrow
Germline CBL mutation and loss of heterozygosity of CBL
— Increased hemoglobin F for age
— Hyperphosphorylation of STAT5
— GM-CSF hypersensitivity
Pathogenesis and Related Syndromes
The pathogenesis of JMML has been closely linked to activation of the RAS oncogene pathway, along with related syndromes (refer to Figure 1).[
] In addition, distinctive RNA expression and DNA methylation patterns have been reported; they are correlated with clinical factors such as age and appear to be associated with prognosis.[
Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing ligand-stimulated Ras activation, the Ras-Erk pathway, and the gene mutations found to date contributing to the neuro-cardio-facio-cutaneous congenital disorders and JMML. NL/MGCL: Noonan-like/multiple giant cell lesion; CFC: cardia-facio-cutaneous; JMML: juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Reprinted from Leukemia Research, 33 (3), Rebecca J. Chan, Todd Cooper, Christian P. Kratz, Brian Weiss, Mignon L. Loh, Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: A report from the 2nd International JMML Symposium, Pages 355-62, Copyright 2009, with permission from Elsevier.
Children with neurofibromatosis type
1 (NF1) and Noonan syndrome are at increased risk of developing JMML:[
Mutations in the CBL gene, an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase that is involved in targeting proteins, particularly tyrosine kinases, for proteasomal degradation occur in 10% to 15% of JMML cases,[
] with many of these cases occurring in children with germline CBL mutations.[
] CBL germline mutations result in an autosomal dominant developmental disorder that is characterized by impaired growth, developmental delay, cryptorchidism, and a predisposition to JMML.[
] Some individuals with CBL germline mutations experience spontaneous regression of their JMML but develop vasculitis later in life.[
] CBL mutations are nearly always mutually exclusive of RAS and PTPN11 mutations.[
Genomics of JMML
The genomic landscape of JMML is characterized by mutations in one of five genes of the Ras pathway: NF1, NRAS, KRAS, PTPN11, and CBL.[
] In a series of 118 consecutively diagnosed JMML cases with Ras pathway–activating mutations, PTPN11 was the most commonly mutated gene, accounting for 51% of cases (19% germline and 32% somatic) (refer to Figure 2).[
] Patients with mutated NRAS accounted for 19% of cases, and patients with mutated KRAS accounted for 15% of cases. NF1 mutations accounted for 8% of cases and CBL mutations accounted for 11% of cases. Although mutations among these five genes are generally mutually exclusive, 4% to 17% of cases have mutations in two of these Ras pathway genes,[
] a finding that is associated with poorer prognosis.[
The mutation rate in JMML leukemia cells is very low, but additional mutations beyond those of the five Ras pathway genes described above are observed.[
] Secondary genomic alterations are observed for genes of the transcriptional repressor complex PRC2 (e.g., ASXL1 was mutated in 7%–8% of cases). Some genes associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms in adults are also mutated at low rates in JMML (e.g., SETBP1 was mutated in 6%–9% of cases).[
] JAK3 mutations are also observed in a small percentage (4%–12%) of JMML cases.[
] Cases with germline PTPN11 and germline CBL mutations showed low rates of additional mutations (refer to Figure 2).[
] The presence of mutations beyond disease-defining Ras pathway mutations is associated with an inferior prognosis.[
A report describing the genomic landscape of JMML found that 16 of 150 patients (11%) lacked canonical Ras pathway mutations. Among these 16 patients, 3 were observed to have in-frame fusions involving receptor tyrosine kinases (DCTN1-ALK, RANBP2-ALK, and TBL1XR1-ROS1). These patients all had monosomy 7 and were aged 56 months or older. One patient with an ALK fusion was treated with crizotinib plus conventional chemotherapy and achieved a complete molecular remission and proceeded to allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.[
Figure 2. Alteration profiles in individual JMML cases. Germline and somatically acquired alterations with recurring hits in the RAS pathway and PRC2 network are shown for 118 patients with JMML who underwent detailed genetic analysis. Blast excess was defined as a blast count ≥10% but <20% of nucleated cells in the bone marrow at diagnosis. Blast crisis was defined as a blast count ≥20% of nucleated cells in the bone marrow. NS, Noonan syndrome. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Genetics (Caye A, Strullu M, Guidez F, et al.: Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia displays mutations in components of the RAS pathway and the PRC2 network. Nat Genet 47 [11]: 1334-40, 2015), copyright (2015).
Prognosis (genomic and molecular factors)
Several genomic factors affect the prognosis of patients with JMML, including the following:
Number of non–Ras pathway mutations. A predictor of prognosis for children with JMML is the number of mutations beyond the disease-defining Ras pathway mutations.[
Ras pathway double mutations. Although mutations in the five canonical Ras pathway genes associated with JMML (NF1, NRAS, KRAS, PTPN11, and CBL) are generally mutually exclusive, 4% to 17% of cases have mutations in two of these Ras pathway genes,[
] a finding that has been associated with a poorer prognosis.[
DNA methylation profile.
LIN28B overexpression.LIN28B overexpression is present in approximately one-half of children with JMML and identifies a biologically distinctive subset of JMML. LIN28B is an RNA-binding protein that regulates stem cell renewal.[
Prognosis (Clinical Factors)
Age, platelet count, and fetal hemoglobin level after any treatment. Historically, more than 90% of patients with JMML died despite the use of chemotherapy;[
] however, with the application of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), survival rates of approximately 50% are now observed.[
] Patients appeared to follow three distinct clinical courses:
Favorable prognostic factors for survival after any therapy include age younger than 2 years, platelet count greater than 33 × 109/L, and low age-adjusted fetal hemoglobin levels.[
] In contrast, being older than 2 years and having high blood fetal hemoglobin levels at diagnosis are predictors of poor outcome.[
Treatment of JMML
Treatment options for JMML include the following:
The role of conventional antileukemia therapy in the treatment of JMML is not defined. The absence of consensus response criteria for JMML complicates determination of the role of specific agents in the treatment of JMML.[
] Some agents that have shown antileukemia activity against JMML include etoposide, cytarabine, thiopurines (thioguanine and mercaptopurine), isotretinoin, and farnesyl inhibitors, but none of these have been shown to improve outcome.[
]; [
][Level of evidence: 2B]
HSCT currently offers the best chance of cure for JMML.[
Evidence (HSCT):
A report from the European Working Group on Childhood Myelodysplastic Syndromes included 100 transplant recipients at multiple centers treated with a common preparative regimen of busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and melphalan, with or without antithymocyte globulin. Recipients had been treated with varying degrees of pretransplant chemotherapy or differentiating agents, and some patients had splenectomy performed.[
Cord blood transplantation results in a 5-year disease-free survival rate of 44%, with improved outcome in children younger than 1.4 years at diagnosis, those with nonmonosomy 7 karyotype, and those receiving 5/6 to 6/6 HLA-matched cord units.[
][Level of evidence: 3iiDii] This suggests that cord blood can provide an additional donor pool for this group of children.
The use of reduced-intensity preparative regimens to decrease the adverse side effects of transplantation have also been reported in small numbers of patients, generally for patients ineligible for myeloablative HSCT.[
COG conducted a randomized trial in children with JMML that compared a standard-intensity preparative regimen (busulfan/cyclophosphamide/melphalan) with a reduced-intensity regimen (busulfan/fludarabine).[
Disease recurrence is the primary cause of treatment failure for children with JMML after HSCT and occurs in 30% to 40% of cases.[
] While the role of donor lymphocyte infusions is uncertain,[
] reports indicate that approximately 50% of patients with relapsed JMML can be successfully treated with a second HSCT.[
Treatment Options Under Clinical Evaluation
Information about National Cancer Institute (NCI)–supported clinical trials can be found on the NCI website. For information about clinical trials sponsored by other organizations, refer to the website.
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
Passmore SJ, Chessells JM, Kempski H, et al.: Paediatric myelodysplastic syndromes and juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia in the UK: a population-based study of incidence and survival. Br J Haematol 121 (5): 758-67, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Niemeyer CM, Arico M, Basso G, et al.: Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in childhood: a retrospective analysis of 110 cases. European Working Group on Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Childhood (EWOG-MDS) Blood 89 (10): 3534-43, 1997.[PUBMED Abstract]
Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian R, et al.: The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood 127 (20): 2391-405, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Chan RJ, Cooper T, Kratz CP, et al.: Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a report from the 2nd International JMML Symposium. Leuk Res 33 (3): 355-62, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Loh ML: Recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol 152 (6): 677-87, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bresolin S, Zecca M, Flotho C, et al.: Gene expression-based classification as an independent predictor of clinical outcome in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 28 (11): 1919-27, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Olk-Batz C, Poetsch AR, Nöllke P, et al.: Aberrant DNA methylation characterizes juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia with poor outcome. Blood 117 (18): 4871-80, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stiller CA, Chessells JM, Fitchett M: Neurofibromatosis and childhood leukaemia/lymphoma: a population-based UKCCSG study. Br J Cancer 70 (5): 969-72, 1994.[PUBMED Abstract]
Tartaglia M, Niemeyer CM, Fragale A, et al.: Somatic mutations in PTPN11 in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia. Nat Genet 34 (2): 148-50, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kratz CP, Niemeyer CM, Castleberry RP, et al.: The mutational spectrum of PTPN11 in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and Noonan syndrome/myeloproliferative disease. Blood 106 (6): 2183-5, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Strullu M, Caye A, Lachenaud J, et al.: Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia and Noonan syndrome. J Med Genet 51 (10): 689-97, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Loh ML, Sakai DS, Flotho C, et al.: Mutations in CBL occur frequently in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 114 (9): 1859-63, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Muramatsu H, Makishima H, Jankowska AM, et al.: Mutations of an E3 ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl but not TET2 mutations are pathogenic in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 115 (10): 1969-75, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Niemeyer CM, Kang MW, Shin DH, et al.: Germline CBL mutations cause developmental abnormalities and predispose to juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Nat Genet 42 (9): 794-800, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Pérez B, Mechinaud F, Galambrun C, et al.: Germline mutations of the CBL gene define a new genetic syndrome with predisposition to juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. J Med Genet 47 (10): 686-91, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Caye A, Strullu M, Guidez F, et al.: Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia displays mutations in components of the RAS pathway and the PRC2 network. Nat Genet 47 (11): 1334-40, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stieglitz E, Taylor-Weiner AN, Chang TY, et al.: The genomic landscape of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Nat Genet 47 (11): 1326-33, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Murakami N, Okuno Y, Yoshida K, et al.: Integrated molecular profiling of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 131 (14): 1576-1586, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Sakaguchi H, Okuno Y, Muramatsu H, et al.: Exome sequencing identifies secondary mutations of SETBP1 and JAK3 in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Nat Genet 45 (8): 937-41, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stieglitz E, Mazor T, Olshen AB, et al.: Genome-wide DNA methylation is predictive of outcome in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Nat Commun 8 (1): 2127, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Helsmoortel HH, Bresolin S, Lammens T, et al.: LIN28B overexpression defines a novel fetal-like subgroup of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 127 (9): 1163-72, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
Locatelli F, Nöllke P, Zecca M, et al.: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML): results of the EWOG-MDS/EBMT trial. Blood 105 (1): 410-9, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bergstraesser E, Hasle H, Rogge T, et al.: Non-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a retrospective analysis and definition of response criteria. Pediatr Blood Cancer 49 (5): 629-33, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Castleberry RP, Emanuel PD, Zuckerman KS, et al.: A pilot study of isotretinoin in the treatment of juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia. N Engl J Med 331 (25): 1680-4, 1994.[PUBMED Abstract]
Woods WG, Barnard DR, Alonzo TA, et al.: Prospective study of 90 children requiring treatment for juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome: a report from the Children's Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol 20 (2): 434-40, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Loh ML: Childhood myelodysplastic syndrome: focus on the approach to diagnosis and treatment of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2010: 357-62, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hasle H: Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders in children. Curr Opin Pediatr 19 (1): 1-8, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Stieglitz E, Ward AF, Gerbing RB, et al.: Phase II/III trial of a pre-transplant farnesyl transferase inhibitor in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 62 (4): 629-36, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Smith FO, King R, Nelson G, et al.: Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol 116 (3): 716-24, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yusuf U, Frangoul HA, Gooley TA, et al.: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in children with myelodysplastic syndrome or juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: the Seattle experience. Bone Marrow Transplant 33 (8): 805-14, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Baker D, Cole C, Price J, et al.: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia without total body irradiation. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 26 (3): 200-3, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Locatelli F, Niemeyer CM: How I treat juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 125 (7): 1083-90, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Locatelli F, Crotta A, Ruggeri A, et al.: Analysis of risk factors influencing outcomes after cord blood transplantation in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a EUROCORD, EBMT, EWOG-MDS, CIBMTR study. Blood 122 (12): 2135-41, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yabe M, Sako M, Yabe H, et al.: A conditioning regimen of busulfan, fludarabine, and melphalan for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Pediatr Transplant 12 (8): 862-7, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Koyama M, Nakano T, Takeshita Y, et al.: Successful treatment of JMML with related bone marrow transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning. Bone Marrow Transplant 36 (5): 453-4; author reply 454, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Dvorak CC, Satwani P, Stieglitz E, et al.: Disease burden and conditioning regimens in ASCT1221, a randomized phase II trial in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 65 (7): e27034, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yoshimi A, Bader P, Matthes-Martin S, et al.: Donor leukocyte infusion after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia 19 (6): 971-7, 2005.[PUBMED Abstract]
Yoshimi A, Mohamed M, Bierings M, et al.: Second allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) results in outcome similar to that of first HSCT for patients with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia 21 (3): 556-60, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) accounts for less than 5% of all childhood leukemia, and in the pediatric age range, occurs most commonly in older adolescents.[
Molecular Abnormality
The cytogenetic abnormality most characteristic of CML is the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), which represents a translocation of chromosomes 9 and 22 (t(9;22)) resulting in a BCR-ABL1 fusion protein.[
Clinical Presentation
CML is characterized by a marked leukocytosis and is often associated with thrombocytosis, sometimes with abnormal platelet function. Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy reveals hypercellularity with relatively normal granulocytic maturation and no significant increase in leukemic blasts. Although reduced leukocyte alkaline phosphatase activity is seen in CML, this is not a specific finding.
CML has the following three clinical phases:
Treatment of CML: Historical Perspective
Before the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) era, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) was the primary treatment for children with CML. Published reports from this period described survival rates of 70% to 80% when an HLA–matched-family donor (MFD) was used in the treatment of children in early chronic phase, with lower survival rates when HLA–matched-unrelated donors were used.[
Relapse rates were low (less than 20%) when transplant was performed in chronic phase.[
] The primary cause of death was treatment-related mortality, which was increased with HLA–matched-unrelated donors compared with HLA-MFDs in most reports.[
] High-resolution DNA matching for HLA alleles appeared to reduce rates of treatment-related mortality, leading to improved outcome for HSCT using unrelated donors.[
Compared with transplantation in chronic phase, transplantation in accelerated phase or blast crisis and in second-chronic phase resulted in significantly reduced survival.[
] The use of T-lymphocyte depletion to avoid graft-versus-host disease resulted in a higher relapse rate and decreased overall survival (OS),[
] supporting the contribution of a graft-versus-leukemia effect to favorable outcome after allogeneic HSCT.
The introduction of the TKI imatinib as a therapeutic drug targeted at inhibiting the BCR-ABL fusion kinase revolutionized the treatment of patients with CML, for both children and adults.[
] As most data on the use of TKIs for CML is from adult clinical trials, the adult experience is initially described, followed by a description of the more limited experience in children.
Treatment of Adult CML With TKIs
Imatinib is a potent inhibitor of the ABL tyrosine kinase, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors (alpha and beta), and KIT. Imatinib treatment achieves clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular remissions (as defined by the absence of BCR-ABL fusion transcripts) in a high proportion of CML patients treated in chronic phase.[
Evidence (imatinib for adults):
Imatinib replaced the use of recombinant interferon alfa in the initial treatment of CML based on the results of a large phase III trial comparing imatinib with interferon plus cytarabine (IRIS).[
Guidelines for imatinib treatment have been developed for adults with CML on the basis of patient response to treatment, including the timing of achieving complete hematologic response, complete cytogenetic response, and major molecular response (defined as attainment of a 3-log reduction in BCR-ABL1/control gene ratio).[
Poor adherence is a major reason for loss of complete cytogenetic response and imatinib failure for adult CML patients on long-term therapy.[
] The identification of BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutations at the time of failure or of suboptimal response to imatinib treatment also has clinical implications,[
] because there are alternative BCR-ABL kinase inhibitors (e.g., dasatinib and nilotinib) that maintain their activity against some (but not all) mutations that confer resistance to imatinib.[
Two TKIs, dasatinib and nilotinib, have been shown to be effective in patients who have an inadequate response to imatinib, although not in patients with the T315I mutation. Both dasatinib and nilotinib have also received regulatory approval for the treatment of newly diagnosed chronic-phase CML in adults, on the basis of the following studies:
Because of the superiority over imatinib in terms of complete cytogenetic response rate and major molecular response rate, both dasatinib and nilotinib are extensively used as first-line therapy in adults with CML. However, despite more rapid responses with dasatinib and nilotinib than with imatinib when used as frontline therapy, PFS and OS appear to be similar for all three agents.[
] Additional follow-up will be required to better define the impact of these agents on long-term PFS and OS.
Bosutinib is another TKI that targets the BCR-ABL fusion and has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of all phases of CML in adults who show intolerance to or whose disease shows resistance to previous therapy with another TKI. Bosutinib has not been studied in the pediatric population.
Ponatinib is a BCR-ABL inhibitor that is effective against the T315I mutation.[
] Ponatinib induced objective responses in approximately 70% of heavily pretreated adults with chronic-phase CML, with responses observed regardless of the baseline BCR-ABL kinase domain mutation.[
] Development of ponatinib has been complicated by the high rate of vascular occlusion observed in patients receiving the agent, with arterial and venous thrombosis and occlusions (including myocardial infarction and stroke) occurring in more than 20% of treated patients.[
] Ponatinib has not been studied in the pediatric population.
For adult CML patients who proceed to allogeneic HSCT, there is no evidence that pretransplant imatinib adversely impacts outcome.
Evidence (imatinib followed by HSCT in adults):
A retrospective study that compared 145 patients who received imatinib before transplant with a historical cohort of 231 patients showed no difference in early hepatic toxic effects or engraftment delay.[
Further evidence for a lack of effect of pretransplant imatinib on posttransplant outcomes was supplied by a report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research; this report compared outcomes of 181 pediatric and adult subjects with CML in first chronic phase treated with imatinib before HSCT with that of 657 subjects who did not receive imatinib before HSCT.[
A third report of imatinib followed by allogeneic HSCT supports the efficacy of this transplantation strategy in patients with imatinib failure in first chronic phase.[
For adult patients treated with a TKI alone (without HSCT), the optimal duration of therapy remains unknown and most patients continue TKI treatment indefinitely.
Evidence (length of imatinib therapy in adults):
In an attempt to answer the question of length of treatment, a prospective study reported on 69 adults treated with imatinib for more than 2 years who had been in a cytogenetic major response for more than 2 years. The patients were monitored monthly and restarted on imatinib if there was evidence of molecular relapse.[
Another study reported on 40 chronic-phase CML patients who stopped treatment with imatinib after at least 2 years of sustained undetectable minimal residual disease (MRD) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).[
Additional research is required before cessation of imatinib or other BCR-ABL targeted therapy for selected patients with CML in molecular remission can be recommended as a standard clinical practice.
Treatment of Childhood CML
Treatment options for children with CML may include the following:
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor, such as imatinib.
Imatinib has shown a high level of activity in children with CML that is comparable with the activity observed in adults.[
Evidence (imatinib in children):
In a prospective trial, 44 pediatric patients with newly diagnosed CML were treated with imatinib (260 mg/day).[
As a result of this high level of activity, it is common to initiate imatinib treatment in children with CML rather than proceeding immediately to allogeneic stem cell transplantation.[
] The pharmacokinetics of imatinib in children appears consistent with previous results in adults.[
Doses of imatinib used in phase II trials for children with CML have ranged from 260 mg/m2 to 340 mg/m2, which provide comparable drug exposures as the adult flat-doses of 400 mg to 600 mg.[
Evidence (imatinib dose in children):
In an Italian study of 47 pediatric chronic-phase CML patients treated with 340 mg/m2 per day of imatinib, complete cytogenetic response was achieved in 91.5% of patients at a median time of 6 months, and the rate of major molecular response at 12 months was 66.6%.[
Thus, it appears that starting with the higher dose of 340 mg/m2 has superior efficacy and is typically tolerable, with dose adjustment as needed for toxicity.[
Early molecular responses, such as PCR-based MRD measurement at 3 months of therapy showing up to 10% BCR-ABL1/ABL, have been reported to be associated with improved PFS, similar to early molecular response data in adults.[
The monitoring guidelines described above for adults with CML are reasonable to use in children.
Imatinib is generally well tolerated in children, with adverse effects generally being mild to moderate and reversible with treatment discontinuation or dose reduction.[
] Growth retardation occurs in most prepubertal children receiving imatinib.[
] Children receiving imatinib and experiencing growth impairment may show some catch-up growth during their pubertal growth spurts, but they are at risk of having lower-than-expected adult height, as most patients do not achieve midparental height.[
There are fewer published data regarding the efficacy and toxicities of the two other TKIs approved by the FDA for use in children with CML—dasatinib and nilotinib.
Evidence (dasatinib in children):
A phase I trial of dasatinib in children showed that drug disposition, tolerability, and efficacy of this agent was similar to that observed in adults.[
A phase II trial of dasatinib, which included 84 children with newly diagnosed CML in chronic phase, utilized a dose of 60 mg/m2 (tablets) or 72 mg/m2 (oral solution) given to patients once daily.[
Evidence (nilotinib in children):
The approval of nilotinib by the FDA in March 2018 for the treatment of children with CML was based on two sponsored trials.[
An initial study (NCT01077544 [CAMN107A2120]) of 11 patients evaluated pharmacokinetic, safety, and preliminary efficacy data; a second study (NCT01844765 [CAMN107A2203; AAML1321]) of 58 patients evaluated efficacy and safety. Data from both studies were combined for a pooled-data analysis of 69 patients, which included 25 patients with newly diagnosed CML and 44 patients with resistant or intolerant CML. Both studies utilized a dose of 230 mg/m2 given twice daily (rounded to the nearest 50 mg; maximum dose, 400 mg).[
A safe pediatric dose has not yet been established for other TKIs (e.g., bosutinib and ponatinib).
Treatment of Recurrent or Refractory Childhood CML
Treatment options for children with recurrent or refractory CML may include the following:
Alternative kinase inhibitors such as dasatinib or nilotinib.
Allogeneic HSCT.
In children who develop a hematologic or cytogenetic relapse during treatment with imatinib or who have an inadequate initial response to imatinib, determination of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutation status should be considered to help guide subsequent therapy. Depending on the patient’s mutation status, alternative kinase inhibitors such as dasatinib or nilotinib can be considered on the basis of the adult and pediatric experience with these agents.[
Evidence (dasatinib in children with resistant or intolerant CML):
In 14 children with resistant or intolerant CML, 76% of patients were in complete cytogenetic remission, and 41% of patients had a major molecular response after 12 months of dasatinib therapy. PFS was 78% at 48 months.[
Evidence (nilotinib in children with resistant or intolerant CML):
In 44 children with CML who were resistant or intolerant to imatinib or dasatinib, 40.7% of patients achieved a major molecular response after 12 months of nilotinib therapy. After a median of 11.3 months, no patients had experienced disease progression.[
Dasatinib and nilotinib are active against many BCR-ABL mutations that confer resistance to imatinib, although the agents are ineffective in patients with the T315I mutation. In the presence of the T315I mutation, which is resistant to all FDA-approved kinase inhibitors, an allogeneic transplant should be considered.
The question of whether a pediatric patient with CML should receive an allogeneic transplant when multiple TKIs are available remains unanswered; however, reports suggest that PFS does not improve when using HSCT, compared with the sustained use of imatinib.[
] The potential advantages and disadvantages
need to be discussed with the patient and family. While HSCT is currently the only known definitive curative therapy for CML, patients discontinuing treatment with TKIs after sustained molecular remissions, who remained in molecular remission, have been reported.[
Current Clinical Trials
Use our advanced clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are now enrolling patients. The search can be narrowed by location of the trial, type of treatment, name of the drug, and other criteria. General information about clinical trials is also available.
Ries LA, Smith MA, Gurney JG, et al., eds.: Cancer incidence and survival among children and adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, SEER Program, 1999. NIH Pub.No. 99-4649. Also available online. Last accessed January 31, 2020.[PUBMED Abstract]
Quintás-Cardama A, Cortes J: Molecular biology of bcr-abl1-positive chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 113 (8): 1619-30, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
O'Dwyer ME, Mauro MJ, Kurilik G, et al.: The impact of clonal evolution on response to imatinib mesylate (STI571) in accelerated phase CML. Blood 100 (5): 1628-33, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Millot F, Esperou H, Bordigoni P, et al.: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia in childhood: a report from the Société Française de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC). Bone Marrow Transplant 32 (10): 993-9, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Cwynarski K, Roberts IA, Iacobelli S, et al.: Stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia in children. Blood 102 (4): 1224-31, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Weisdorf DJ, Anasetti C, Antin JH, et al.: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia: comparative analysis of unrelated versus matched sibling donor transplantation. Blood 99 (6): 1971-7, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lee SJ, Klein J, Haagenson M, et al.: High-resolution donor-recipient HLA matching contributes to the success of unrelated donor marrow transplantation. Blood 110 (13): 4576-83, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Horowitz MM, Gale RP, Sondel PM, et al.: Graft-versus-leukemia reactions after bone marrow transplantation. Blood 75 (3): 555-62, 1990.[PUBMED Abstract]
Druker BJ: Translation of the Philadelphia chromosome into therapy for CML. Blood 112 (13): 4808-17, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kantarjian H, Sawyers C, Hochhaus A, et al.: Hematologic and cytogenetic responses to imatinib mesylate in chronic myelogenous leukemia. N Engl J Med 346 (9): 645-52, 2002.[PUBMED Abstract]
O'Brien SG, Guilhot F, Larson RA, et al.: Imatinib compared with interferon and low-dose cytarabine for newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 348 (11): 994-1004, 2003.[PUBMED Abstract]
Druker BJ, Guilhot F, O'Brien SG, et al.: Five-year follow-up of patients receiving imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 355 (23): 2408-17, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Saussele S, Lauseker M, Gratwohl A, et al.: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo SCT) for chronic myeloid leukemia in the imatinib era: evaluation of its impact within a subgroup of the randomized German CML Study IV. Blood 115 (10): 1880-5, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hughes TP, Hochhaus A, Branford S, et al.: Long-term prognostic significance of early molecular response to imatinib in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia: an analysis from the International Randomized Study of Interferon and STI571 (IRIS). Blood 116 (19): 3758-65, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kantarjian H, Cortes J: Considerations in the management of patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia receiving tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. J Clin Oncol 29 (12): 1512-6, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Bisen A, Claxton DF: Tyrosine kinase targeted treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and other myeloproliferative neoplasms. Adv Exp Med Biol 779: 179-96, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ibrahim AR, Eliasson L, Apperley JF, et al.: Poor adherence is the main reason for loss of CCyR and imatinib failure for chronic myeloid leukemia patients on long-term therapy. Blood 117 (14): 3733-6, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Soverini S, Hochhaus A, Nicolini FE, et al.: BCR-ABL kinase domain mutation analysis in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: recommendations from an expert panel on behalf of European LeukemiaNet. Blood 118 (5): 1208-15, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hazarika M, Jiang X, Liu Q, et al.: Tasigna for chronic and accelerated phase Philadelphia chromosome--positive chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to or intolerant of imatinib. Clin Cancer Res 14 (17): 5325-31, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Brave M, Goodman V, Kaminskas E, et al.: Sprycel for chronic myeloid leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia resistant to or intolerant of imatinib mesylate. Clin Cancer Res 14 (2): 352-9, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kantarjian H, Shah NP, Hochhaus A, et al.: Dasatinib versus imatinib in newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 362 (24): 2260-70, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Saglio G, Kim DW, Issaragrisil S, et al.: Nilotinib versus imatinib for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 362 (24): 2251-9, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Jabbour E, Kantarjian HM, Saglio G, et al.: Early response with dasatinib or imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia: 3-year follow-up from a randomized phase 3 trial (DASISION). Blood 123 (4): 494-500, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hochhaus A, Saglio G, Hughes TP, et al.: Long-term benefits and risks of frontline nilotinib vs imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase: 5-year update of the randomized ENESTnd trial. Leukemia 30 (5): 1044-54, 2016.[PUBMED Abstract]
O'Hare T, Shakespeare WC, Zhu X, et al.: AP24534, a pan-BCR-ABL inhibitor for chronic myeloid leukemia, potently inhibits the T315I mutant and overcomes mutation-based resistance. Cancer Cell 16 (5): 401-12, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Cortes JE, Kim DW, Pinilla-Ibarz J, et al.: A phase 2 trial of ponatinib in Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias. N Engl J Med 369 (19): 1783-96, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Prasad V, Mailankody S: The accelerated approval of oncologic drugs: lessons from ponatinib. JAMA 311 (4): 353-4, 2014 Jan 22-29.[PUBMED Abstract]
Oehler VG, Gooley T, Snyder DS, et al.: The effects of imatinib mesylate treatment before allogeneic transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 109 (4): 1782-9, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Lee SJ, Kukreja M, Wang T, et al.: Impact of prior imatinib mesylate on the outcome of hematopoietic cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 112 (8): 3500-7, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Mahon FX, Réa D, Guilhot J, et al.: Discontinuation of imatinib in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia who have maintained complete molecular remission for at least 2 years: the prospective, multicentre Stop Imatinib (STIM) trial. Lancet Oncol 11 (11): 1029-35, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Ross DM, Branford S, Seymour JF, et al.: Safety and efficacy of imatinib cessation for CML patients with stable undetectable minimal residual disease: results from the TWISTER study. Blood 122 (4): 515-22, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Champagne MA, Capdeville R, Krailo M, et al.: Imatinib mesylate (STI571) for treatment of children with Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemia: results from a Children's Oncology Group phase 1 study. Blood 104 (9): 2655-60, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Millot F, Guilhot J, Nelken B, et al.: Imatinib mesylate is effective in children with chronic myelogenous leukemia in late chronic and advanced phase and in relapse after stem cell transplantation. Leukemia 20 (2): 187-92, 2006.[PUBMED Abstract]
Millot F, Baruchel A, Guilhot J, et al.: Imatinib is effective in children with previously untreated chronic myelogenous leukemia in early chronic phase: results of the French national phase IV trial. J Clin Oncol 29 (20): 2827-32, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Champagne MA, Fu CH, Chang M, et al.: Higher dose imatinib for children with de novo chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 57 (1): 56-62, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Giona F, Putti MC, Micalizzi C, et al.: Long-term results of high-dose imatinib in children and adolescents with chronic myeloid leukaemia in chronic phase: the Italian experience. Br J Haematol 170 (3): 398-407, 2015.[PUBMED Abstract]
Andolina JR, Neudorf SM, Corey SJ: How I treat childhood CML. Blood 119 (8): 1821-30, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Menon-Andersen D, Mondick JT, Jayaraman B, et al.: Population pharmacokinetics of imatinib mesylate and its metabolite in children and young adults. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 63 (2): 229-38, 2009.[PUBMED Abstract]
Millot F, Guilhot J, Baruchel A, et al.: Impact of early molecular response in children with chronic myeloid leukemia treated in the French Glivec phase 4 study. Blood 124 (15): 2408-10, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Shima H, Tokuyama M, Tanizawa A, et al.: Distinct impact of imatinib on growth at prepubertal and pubertal ages of children with chronic myeloid leukemia. J Pediatr 159 (4): 676-81, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Millot F, Guilhot J, Baruchel A, et al.: Growth deceleration in children treated with imatinib for chronic myeloid leukaemia. Eur J Cancer 50 (18): 3206-11, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Aplenc R, Blaney SM, Strauss LC, et al.: Pediatric phase I trial and pharmacokinetic study of dasatinib: a report from the children's oncology group phase I consortium. J Clin Oncol 29 (7): 839-44, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Zwaan CM, Rizzari C, Mechinaud F, et al.: Dasatinib in children and adolescents with relapsed or refractory leukemia: results of the CA180-018 phase I dose-escalation study of the Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Consortium. J Clin Oncol 31 (19): 2460-8, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Gore L, Kearns PR, de Martino ML, et al.: Dasatinib in Pediatric Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase: Results From a Phase II Trial. J Clin Oncol 36 (13): 1330-1338, 2018.[PUBMED Abstract]
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation: TASIGNA (nilotinib): Prescribing Information. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis, 2018. Available online. Last accessed March 25, 2020.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hijiya N, Maschan A, Rizzari C, et al.: Phase 2 study of nilotinib in pediatric patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 134 (23): 2036-2045, 2019.[PUBMED Abstract]
Hochhaus A, Baccarani M, Deininger M, et al.: Dasatinib induces durable cytogenetic responses in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase with resistance or intolerance to imatinib. Leukemia 22 (6): 1200-6, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
le Coutre P, Ottmann OG, Giles F, et al.: Nilotinib (formerly AMN107), a highly selective BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is active in patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant accelerated-phase chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood 111 (4): 1834-9, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Kantarjian H, O'Brien S, Talpaz M, et al.: Outcome of patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia post-imatinib mesylate failure. Cancer 109 (8): 1556-60, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Special Considerations for the Treatment of Children With Cancer
Cancer in children and adolescents is rare, although the overall incidence of childhood cancer has been slowly increasing since 1975.[
] Children and adolescents with
cancer should be referred to medical centers that have a multidisciplinary team
of cancer specialists with experience treating the cancers that occur during
childhood and adolescence.[
] This multidisciplinary team approach incorporates the skills
of the following pediatric specialists and others to ensure that children receive treatment, supportive care, and rehabilitation
that will achieve optimal survival and quality of life.
(Refer to the PDQ Supportive and Palliative Care summaries for specific information about supportive care for children and adolescents with cancer.)
Guidelines for
pediatric cancer centers and their role in the treatment of children with
cancer have been outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.[
] At these
pediatric cancer centers, clinical trials are available for most
types of cancer that occur in children and adolescents, and the opportunity to
participate in these trials is offered to most patients and their families. Clinical
trials for children and adolescents with cancer are generally designed to
compare potentially better therapy with therapy that is currently accepted as
standard. Most of the progress made in identifying curative therapies
for childhood cancers has been achieved through clinical trials. Information
about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI website.
Smith MA, Altekruse SF, Adamson PC, et al.: Declining childhood and adolescent cancer mortality. Cancer 120 (16): 2497-506, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Wolfson J, Sun CL, Wyatt L, et al.: Adolescents and Young Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Impact of Care at Specialized Cancer Centers on Survival Outcome. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 26 (3): 312-320, 2017.[PUBMED Abstract]
Corrigan JJ, Feig SA; American Academy of Pediatrics: Guidelines for pediatric cancer centers. Pediatrics 113 (6): 1833-5, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]
Survivorship and Adverse Late Sequelae
While the issues of long-term complications of cancer and its treatment cross many disease categories, several important issues related to the treatment of myeloid malignancies are worth emphasizing. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer for more information.)
Selected studies of the late effects of AML therapy in adult survivors who were not treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) include the following:
The Children’s Cancer Survivor Study examined 272 survivors of childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who did not undergo a HSCT.[
A retrospective study of cardiac function of children treated with United Kingdom Medical Research Council–based regimens at a median of 13 months after treatment reported a mean detrimental change in left ventricular stroke volume of 8.4% compared with baseline values.[
For pediatric patients, the risk of developing early toxicity was 13.7%, and the risk of developing late cardiac toxic effects (defined as 1 year after completing first-line therapy) was 17.4%. Early cardiac toxic effects was a significant predictor of late cardiac toxic effects and the development of clinical cardiomyopathy requiring long-term therapy.[
Retrospective analysis of a single study suggests cardiac risk may be increased in children with Down syndrome,[
] but prospective studies are required to confirm this finding.
A Nordic Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology retrospective trial of children with AML treated with chemotherapy only at a median follow-up of 11 years, based on self-reported uses of health care services, demonstrated similar health care usage and marital status as their siblings.[
A population-based study of survivors of childhood AML who had not undergone an HSCT reported equivalent rates of educational achievement, employment, and marital status compared with siblings. AML survivors were, however, significantly more likely to be receiving prescription drugs, especially for asthma, than were siblings (23% vs. 9%; P = .03). Chronic fatigue has also been demonstrated to be a significantly more likely adverse late effect in survivors of childhood AML than in survivors of other malignancies.[
Renal, gastrointestinal, and hepatic late adverse effects have been reported to be rare for children undergoing chemotherapy only for treatment of AML.[
Selected studies of the late effects of AML therapy in adult survivors who were treated with HSCT include the following:
In a review from one institution, the highest frequency of adverse long-term sequelae for children treated for AML included the following incidence rates: growth abnormalities (51%), neurocognitive abnormalities (30%), transfusion-acquired hepatitis (28%), infertility (25%), endocrinopathies (16%), restrictive lung disease (20%), chronic graft-versus-host disease (20%), secondary malignancies (14%), and cataracts (12%).[
Another study examined outcomes for children younger than 3 years with AML or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who underwent HSCT.[
In contrast, The Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study compared childhood AML or ALL survivors with siblings using a self-reporting questionnaire.[
] The median follow-up was 8.4 years, and 86% of patients received total-body irradiation (TBI) as part of their preparative transplant regimen.
A Children's Oncology Group (COG) study using a health-related, quality-of-life comparison reported an overall 21% of 5-year survivors having a severe or life-threatening chronic health condition; when compared by type of treatment, this percentage was 16% for the chemotherapy-only treated group, 21% for the autologous HSCT treated group, and 33% for those who received an allogeneic HSCT.[
New therapeutic approaches to reduce long-term adverse sequelae are needed, especially for reducing the late sequelae associated with myeloablative HSCT.
Mulrooney DA, Dover DC, Li S, et al.: Twenty years of follow-up among survivors of childhood and young adult acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Cancer 112 (9): 2071-9, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Creutzig U, Diekamp S, Zimmermann M, et al.: Longitudinal evaluation of early and late anthracycline cardiotoxicity in children with AML. Pediatr Blood Cancer 48 (7): 651-62, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Orgel E, Zung L, Ji L, et al.: Early cardiac outcomes following contemporary treatment for childhood acute myeloid leukemia: a North American perspective. Pediatr Blood Cancer 60 (9): 1528-33, 2013.[PUBMED Abstract]
Temming P, Qureshi A, Hardt J, et al.: Prevalence and predictors of anthracycline cardiotoxicity in children treated for acute myeloid leukaemia: retrospective cohort study in a single centre in the United Kingdom. Pediatr Blood Cancer 56 (4): 625-30, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
O'Brien MM, Taub JW, Chang MN, et al.: Cardiomyopathy in children with Down syndrome treated for acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group Study POG 9421. J Clin Oncol 26 (3): 414-20, 2008.[PUBMED Abstract]
Molgaard-Hansen L, Glosli H, Jahnukainen K, et al.: Quality of health in survivors of childhood acute myeloid leukemia treated with chemotherapy only: a NOPHO-AML study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 57 (7): 1222-9, 2011.[PUBMED Abstract]
Jóhannsdóttir IM, Hjermstad MJ, Moum T, et al.: Increased prevalence of chronic fatigue among survivors of childhood cancers: a population-based study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 58 (3): 415-20, 2012.[PUBMED Abstract]
Skou AS, Glosli H, Jahnukainen K, et al.: Renal, gastrointestinal, and hepatic late effects in survivors of childhood acute myeloid leukemia treated with chemotherapy only--a NOPHO-AML study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61 (9): 1638-43, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Leung W, Hudson MM, Strickland DK, et al.: Late effects of treatment in survivors of childhood acute myeloid leukemia. J Clin Oncol 18 (18): 3273-9, 2000.[PUBMED Abstract]
Perkins JL, Kunin-Batson AS, Youngren NM, et al.: Long-term follow-up of children who underwent hematopoeitic cell transplant (HCT) for AML or ALL at less than 3 years of age. Pediatr Blood Cancer 49 (7): 958-63, 2007.[PUBMED Abstract]
Baker KS, Ness KK, Weisdorf D, et al.: Late effects in survivors of acute leukemia treated with hematopoietic cell transplantation: a report from the Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study. Leukemia 24 (12): 2039-47, 2010.[PUBMED Abstract]
Schultz KA, Chen L, Chen Z, et al.: Health conditions and quality of life in survivors of childhood acute myeloid leukemia comparing post remission chemotherapy to BMT: a report from the children's oncology group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61 (4): 729-36, 2014.[PUBMED Abstract]
Changes to This Summary (03/25/2020)
The PDQ cancer information summaries are reviewed regularly and updated as
new information becomes available. This section describes the latest
changes made to this summary as of the date above.
Classification of Pediatric Myeloid Malignancies
Added Orgel et al. as reference 20 and level of evidence 3iiiA.
Histochemical, Immunophenotypic, and Molecular Evaluation for Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Added text to state that in a study of children with refractory AML, NUP98 was overrepresented compared with a cohort who did achieve remission (cited McNeer et al. as reference 153).
Added text to state that in a study of children with refractory AML, WT1 was overrepresented compared with a cohort who did achieve remission.
Revised text about a pooled-data analysis of two studies of patients with CML to state that in the phase II trial, 64% of patients with newly diagnosed CML achieved a major molecular response at 1 year.
This summary is written and maintained by the PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board, which is
editorially independent of NCI. The summary reflects an independent review of
the literature and does not represent a policy statement of NCI or NIH. More
information about summary policies and the role of the PDQ Editorial Boards in
maintaining the PDQ summaries can be found on the About This PDQ Summary and PDQ® - NCI's Comprehensive Cancer Database pages.
About This PDQ Summary
Purpose of This Summary
This PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information about the treatment of childhood acute myeloid leukemia and other myeloid malignancies. It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer patients. It does not provide formal guidelines or recommendations for making health care decisions.
Reviewers and Updates
This summary is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary by the PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board, which is editorially independent of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The summary reflects an independent review of the literature and does not represent a policy statement of NCI or the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Board members review recently published articles each month to determine whether an article should:
Changes to the summaries are made through a consensus process in which Board members evaluate the strength of the evidence in the published articles and determine how the article should be included in the summary.
Any comments or questions about the summary content should be submitted to through the NCI website's Email Us. Do not contact the individual Board Members with questions or comments about the summaries. Board members will not respond to individual inquiries.
Levels of Evidence
Some of the reference citations in this summary are accompanied by a level-of-evidence designation. These designations are intended to help readers assess the strength of the evidence supporting the use of specific interventions or approaches. The PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board uses a formal evidence ranking system in developing its level-of-evidence designations.
Permission to Use This Summary
PDQ is a registered trademark. Although the content of PDQ documents can be used freely as text, it cannot be identified as an NCI PDQ cancer information summary unless it is presented in its entirety and is regularly updated. However, an author would be permitted to write a sentence such as “NCI’s PDQ cancer information summary about breast cancer prevention states the risks succinctly: [include excerpt from the summary].”
The preferred citation for this PDQ summary is:
PDQ® Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board. PDQ Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia/Other Myeloid Malignancies Treatment. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Updated <MM/DD/YYYY>. Available at: Accessed <MM/DD/YYYY>. [PMID: 26389454]
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Based on the strength of the available evidence, treatment options may be described as either “standard” or “under clinical evaluation.” These classifications should not be used as a basis for insurance reimbursement determinations. More information on insurance coverage is available on on the Managing Cancer Care page.
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